What for me, is Feast for the Soul? By co-director of the Feast, Sue Cooper
It is a mission to open the portals of human awareness to the deeper inner realities as we increasingly live in a digital, material world. At the heart of Feast is a burning passion to awaken the soul of humanity to wholeness and the oneness of interconnectivity of ALL.
It is helping to guide and connect the emerging human – one linked with compassion, empathy and love in all aspects of our being. The call to the emerging awakening of human consciousness needs the heart to open at the same time as the rational mind makes sense of it all.
We need each other to make sense of living in a material world as spiritual beings, we must CARE for ourselves, each other, our community and our planet Gaia, Mother Earth. We must become more aware of the powerful forces we play as human energy fields in the interconnectedness of our earth and the celestial and cosmic vibrations.
We must move into Love in Action, not just as individuals with our own unique soul purpose but as a collective in our communities, sharing, listening, opening to ideas that dissolve our differences and create linkages that open us to different perspectives.
Feast for me will give an opportunity to be playful with introducing different perspectives around humaning well as whole compassion beings.
Each of us are a transformative power that opens perspectives and discussions and we learn together how and what applies to our own lifelong learning development.
Joining together to co-create a kind, just, fair and equitable way of living in the world.
January 2025.