Natives of the Americas
The clear sky.
The green fruitful earth is good;
But peace among men is better.
~ Omaha

In beauty, I walk.
With beauty before me, I walk.
With beauty behind me, I walk.
With beauty below me, I walk.
With beauty above me, I walk.
With beauty all around me, I walk.
It is finished in beauty.
~ Navajo Hozho Chant

O’ Great Spirit:
Let me always remember,
how soft and damp the grass feels beneath my feet.
Let me greet with respect the elder when we meet.
Let me see you in the things I find wrong.
Let me hear you in the chant of the warrior’s song.
Let my touch be gentle when I strike out.
Let my voice be a whisper when I really want to shout.
Let me step lightly when the going is tough.
Let me ride the waves when the water is rough.
Let me remember you are always there.
Then, Great Spirit, I will not despair.
~ Alberta Marie Gurno Downwind (Woman Standing in the Back Watching)

(This can be spoken while standing in a circle)
The Circle has healing power.
In the Circle we are all equal.
When in the Circle, no one is in front of you. No one is behind you.
No one is above. No one is below you.
The Sacred Circle is designed to create unity.
The Hoop of Life is also a circle.
On this hoop there is a place for every species, every race, every tree, and every plant.
It is this completeness of Life that must be respected in order to bring about health on this planet.
To understand each other, as the ripples when a stone is tossed into the waters, the Circle starts small and grows�until it fills the whole lake.
~ Chief Dave, Oglala Lakota, grandson of Red Dog/Crazy Horse�s Band

Truly her power gives She us.
Give thanks to Mother Earth
Who lies here.
We see on Mother Earth
The running streams;
We see the promise of her fruitfulness.
Truly her power she gives us.
Our thanks to Mother Earth who lies here!
~ Native American Pawnee Hymn

I think over again my small adventures,
My fears,
Those small ones that seemed so big,
For all the vital things
I had to get and to reach.
And yet there is only one great thing,
The only thing,
To live and to see the great day that dawns
And the light that fills the world.
~ Inuit

Native American Prayer for Creating Sacred Space : (As you read this, ask participants to stand and face the direction you are referring to.)
To the winds of the South
Great serpent,
Wrap your coils of light around us,
Teach us to shed the past the way you shed your skin,
To walk softly on the Earth. Teach us the Beauty Way.
To the winds of the West.
Mother jaguar,
Protest our medicine space.
Teach us the way of peace, to live impeccably
Show us the way beyond death.
To the winds of the North.
Hummingbird, Grandmothers, Grandfathers, Ancient Ones
Come and warm your hands by our fires
Whisper to us in the wind
We honor you who have come before us,
And you who will come after us, our children’s children.
To the winds of the East.
Great Eagle, Condor
Come to us from the place of the rising Sun
Keep us under your wing.
Show us the mountains we only dare dream of.
Teach us to fly wing to wing with the Great Spirit.
Mother Earth.
We have gathered for the healing of all your children.
The stone people, the Plant people.
The four-legged, the two legged, the creepy crawlers.
The finned, the furred, and the winged ones.
All our relations.
Father Sun, Grandmother Moon, to the Star nations.
Great Spirit, you who are known by a thousand names
And you who are the unnamable One.
Thank you for bringing us together
And allowing us to sing the Song of Life.
~ From Alberto Villodo, The Four Winds Society

There is a river flowing now very fast.
It is so great and so swift that there are those who will be afraid.
They will try to hold on to the shore.
They will feel they are being torn apart and will suffer greatly.
Know that the river has its destination.
The elders say we must let go of the shore, push off into the middle of the river,
keep our eyes open and our heads above the water.
And I say, see who is there with you and celebrate.
At this time in history, we are to take nothing personally, least of all ourselves.
For the moment that we do, our spiritual growth and journey come to a halt.
The time of the lone wolf is over.
Gather yourselves.
Banish the word struggle from your attitude and vocabulary.
All that we do now must be done in a sacred manner and in celebration.
We are the ones we have been waiting for.
~ Message from the Hopi Elders