Meditation TeachersMetaphysical

Reverend Angela Peregoff

By January 9, 2018 No Comments

Reverend Angela Peregoff is an ordained minister of Religious Science and is currently the director and program coordinator at The Center for Mindful Studies in Virginia Beach, Virginia. She has been professionally empowering and inspiring others to evolve and create consciously since 1993. Her mission and purpose is simply to raise people’s consciousness so they may experience joyful living at its best. In her classes she uses a combination of philosophy and unique processes which are deeply and significantly inspired by the Laws of Attraction. Simplified, she believes that thoughts create emotions, which in turn create motion. So if you want to change your life, change your mind! Through the application of this attraction based philosophy, Angela teaches students how to magnetize through love, appreciation and joy, and release limitation – so they may easily step into abundance on all levels of life. She is a master level healing practitioner and embraces a whole person approach. She encourages her clientele to honor that connection between mind, body, and spirit, and helps them to align and create balance on all planes. In addition to teaching and working with clients on an individual basis she also leads groups, retreats, workshops and tele-classes, such as Living Your Life As A Creator, and Finding The You Your Soul Came Here To Experience. Angela also shares her spiritual insights on life through a daily internationally distributed message called The Morning Bings which you can receive for free by signing up at her website,

The New Thought movement, which originated in the late 19th and early 20th century, has at its core a belief that a higher power pervades all existence, and that individuals can create their own reality via affirmations, meditation and prayer. Early New Thought groups emerged from a Christian Science background, and many New Thought writers refer back to the Bible as their foundation text. For the next forty days Reverend Angela Peregoff will guide you in remembering your spiritual nature and lead you in utilizing the Power and Presence of an Infinite Intelligence that is waiting to serve your every desire.

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