2025 Calendar of Events

Welcome to the Feast for the Soul!

  • If this is your first Feast, you are invited to find out how to get started with the Feast, here.
  • Getting into a Meditation Event on Zoom: Scroll down for the Events Calendar on this page (more events will be added as we go along.) Click on the event twice to get the details! Gatherings are hosted by the Feast Faculty listed on the Calendar. All meditation events are free of charge.
  • All times listed are in Pacific time. Note: not all events are at the same time each day. There is a time zone converter button to determine what time it is where you live.
  • Can’t get in? Double check the link. For each event, there are different Zoom rooms, as well as different times on different days. You may have to refresh your browser to get the latest.
  • No meditation scheduled? For days when a live meditation gathering isn’t offered, you can access previously recorded Feast meditations here: https://feastforthesoul.org/finding-meditations-from-previous-feasts/
  • Stay connected with fellow Feast-goers. Visit the community page on Facebook and say hello, let people know where you are from, and put yourself out there!
  • Missed a live meditation? If you missed the opening ceremony with announcements and inspiration, please visit the Feast’s YouTube channel.
  • Get on the mailing list. You will no longer be receiving daily email reminders from us, and though most of the announcements are posted on the Facebook page and we’ll send you occasional emails. Get on the list here.
  • Want to create community? Gather your friends, neighbors, or family during the Feast, here are tips to create a group here.
  • If you have additional questions, reach out to hello@feastforthesoul.org
  • Jude Currivan offers a Universal Heart Guided Visualization
  • 1/16/2024-11:0
  • 1/16/2024-12:0
  • Virtual on Zoom - Click the Join Button to Attend
  • https://feastforthesoul.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/FFS-2024-Social-Covers-2-FB_IG-Option.png
  • Join today's meditation with Jude Currivan. A Universal Heart Guided Visualization.Read about the faculty member by clicking the "2024 Faculty" button. https://feastforthesoul.org/jude-currivan/Join for free by clicking the "Join" button. Times are listed in Pacific Time. Note the time converter above.
  • The Feast for the Soul is a 40-day worldwide spiritual practice immersion during which thousands of people of all ages, from a wide variety of spiritual and religious traditions, make a commitment to deepen their spiritual practice and expand their awareness. The Feast is observed each year on January 15th and concludes on February 23rd. It is now in its 17th year of helping people deepen their spiritual practice and create compassionate communities. The Feast is offered free of charge and is open to people everywhere. Each day a live guided meditation and conversation is offered at 11 am PT, 2 pm ET, 7 pm GMT, and 6 am the next day in Australia. Typically, the session runs for 40-minute session: 10 minutes of teaching/introducing the meditation, 20 minutes of practice, and a wrap up with Q & A for 10 minutes. Each session is recorded and uploaded to the Feast’s YouTube channel so if you miss the practice, you can watch it at your convenience. See the link above for access to our YouTube channel.
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  • Mary Walsh offers a Relaxation & Connection Meditation
  • 1/18/2024-11:0
  • 1/18/2024-12:0
  • Virtual on Zoom - Click the Join Button to Attend
  • https://feastforthesoul.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/Mary-Walsh-scaled.jpg
  • Join today's meditation with Mary Walsh for relaxation and connection. Relax and connect with yourself and others. Read about Mary by clicking the "2024 Faculty" button. Join for free by clicking the "Join" button. Times are listed in Pacific Time. Note the time converter above.
  • The Feast for the Soul is a 40-day worldwide spiritual practice immersion during which thousands of people of all ages, from a wide variety of spiritual and religious traditions, make a commitment to deepen their spiritual practice and expand their awareness. The Feast is observed each year on January 15th and concludes on February 23rd. It is now in its 17th year of helping people deepen their spiritual practice and create compassionate communities. The Feast is offered free of charge and is open to people everywhere. Each day a live guided meditation and conversation is offered at 11 am PT, 2 pm ET, 7 pm GMT, and 6 am the next day in Australia. Typically, the session runs for 40-minute session: 10 minutes of teaching/introducing the meditation, 20 minutes of practice, and a wrap up with Q & A for 10 minutes. Each session is recorded and uploaded to the Feast’s YouTube channel so if you miss the practice, you can watch it at your convenience. See the link above for access to our YouTube channel.
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  • Sarah McLean offers a Welcome a Loving What Is, Present Moment Practice
  • 1/19/2024-11:0
  • 1/19/2024-12:0
  • Virtual on Zoom - Click the Join Button to Attend
  • https://feastforthesoul.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/FFS-2024-Social-Covers-2-FB_IG-Option.png
  • Join co-director of the Feast, Sarah McLean, for today's Present Moment meditation - With simple heart centered practices, you'll learn to be more fully in the present moment, unencumbered by distractions and loving what is, mindfully. Read about Sarah by clicking the "2024 Faculty" button. Join for free by clicking the "Join" button. Times are listed in Pacific Time. Note the time converter above.
  • The Feast for the Soul is a 40-day worldwide spiritual practice immersion during which thousands of people of all ages, from a wide variety of spiritual and religious traditions, make a commitment to deepen their spiritual practice and expand their awareness. The Feast is observed each year on January 15th and concludes on February 23rd. It is now in its 17th year of helping people deepen their spiritual practice and create compassionate communities. The Feast is offered free of charge and is open to people everywhere. Each day a live guided meditation and conversation is offered at 11 am PT, 2 pm ET, 7 pm GMT, and 6 am the next day in Australia. Typically, the session runs for 40-minute session: 10 minutes of teaching/introducing the meditation, 20 minutes of practice, and a wrap up with Q & A for 10 minutes. Each session is recorded and uploaded to the Feast’s YouTube channel so if you miss the practice, you can watch it at your convenience. See the link above for access to our YouTube channel.
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  • Lisa Campbell offers a Nature & Interconnectedness Meditation
  • 1/20/2024-11:0
  • 1/20/2024-12:0
  • Virtual on Zoom - Click the Join Button to Attend
  • https://feastforthesoul.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/Lisa-Campbell-photo.jpg
  • Join Lisa Campbell's Nature Meditation and experience a deeper connection with self, interconnection with nature. Deep sense of wellbeing, less stress and greater ease in mind and body. Read about Lisa by clicking the "2024 Faculty" button. Join for free by clicking the "Join" button. Times are listed in Pacific Time. Note the time converter above.
  • The Feast for the Soul is a 40-day worldwide spiritual practice immersion during which thousands of people of all ages, from a wide variety of spiritual and religious traditions, make a commitment to deepen their spiritual practice and expand their awareness. The Feast is observed each year on January 15th and concludes on February 23rd. It is now in its 17th year of helping people deepen their spiritual practice and create compassionate communities. The Feast is offered free of charge and is open to people everywhere. Each day a live guided meditation and conversation is offered at 11 am PT, 2 pm ET, 7 pm GMT, and 6 am the next day in Australia. Typically, the session runs for 40-minute session: 10 minutes of teaching/introducing the meditation, 20 minutes of practice, and a wrap up with Q & A for 10 minutes. Each session is recorded and uploaded to the Feast’s YouTube channel so if you miss the practice, you can watch it at your convenience. See the link above for access to our YouTube channel.
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  • Shaun Glossop offers a Mindfulness Meditation for Self Acceptance
  • 1/21/2024-11:0
  • 1/21/2024-12:0
  • Virtual on Zoom - Click the Join Button to Attend
  • https://feastforthesoul.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/Shaun-Glossop.png
  • Join Shaun Glossop's Mindfulness Meditation for Inner-peace and Self-acceptance - rooted in the mindfulness tradition that moves us gently but powerfully into relaxation, inner-peace and a profound place of compassionate self-acceptance. Read about Shaun by clicking the "2024 Faculty" button. Join for free by clicking the "Join" button. Times are listed in Pacific Time. Note the time converter above.
  • The Feast for the Soul is a 40-day worldwide spiritual practice immersion during which thousands of people of all ages, from a wide variety of spiritual and religious traditions, make a commitment to deepen their spiritual practice and expand their awareness. The Feast is observed each year on January 15th and concludes on February 23rd. It is now in its 17th year of helping people deepen their spiritual practice and create compassionate communities. The Feast is offered free of charge and is open to people everywhere. Each day a live guided meditation and conversation is offered at 11 am PT, 2 pm ET, 7 pm GMT, and 6 am the next day in Australia. Typically, the session runs for 40-minute session: 10 minutes of teaching/introducing the meditation, 20 minutes of practice, and a wrap up with Q & A for 10 minutes. Each session is recorded and uploaded to the Feast’s YouTube channel so if you miss the practice, you can watch it at your convenience. See the link above for access to our YouTube channel.
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  • Sue Cooper offers a Meditation in the Spirit of Thich Nhat Hanh
  • 1/22/2024-11:0
  • 1/22/2024-12:0
  • Virtual on Zoom - Click the Join Button to Attend
  • https://feastforthesoul.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/Sue-Cooper-writing-200x300-1.jpg
  • Join co-director of the Feast, Sue Cooper, for today's Present Moment meditation -A guided meditation rooted in the Plum Village mindfulness tradition that moves us gently but powerfully into compassion in action through various practices of conscious breathwork. Read about Sue by clicking the "2024 Faculty" button. Join for free by clicking the "Join" button. Times are listed in Pacific Time. Note the time converter above.
  • The Feast for the Soul is a 40-day worldwide spiritual practice immersion during which thousands of people of all ages, from a wide variety of spiritual and religious traditions, make a commitment to deepen their spiritual practice and expand their awareness. The Feast is observed each year on January 15th and concludes on February 23rd. It is now in its 17th year of helping people deepen their spiritual practice and create compassionate communities. The Feast is offered free of charge and is open to people everywhere. Each day a live guided meditation and conversation is offered at 11 am PT, 2 pm ET, 7 pm GMT, and 6 am the next day in Australia. Typically, the session runs for 40-minute session: 10 minutes of teaching/introducing the meditation, 20 minutes of practice, and a wrap up with Q & A for 10 minutes. Each session is recorded and uploaded to the Feast’s YouTube channel so if you miss the practice, you can watch it at your convenience. See the link above for access to our YouTube channel.
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  • Lauri Kriva offers a Just Like Me Meditation
  • 1/23/2024-11:0
  • 1/23/2024-12:0
  • Virtual on Zoom - Click the Join Button to Attend
  • https://feastforthesoul.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/lauri-kriva.jpg
  • Join Lauri for today's Just Like Me Meditation, a guided practice for increasing compassion by helping us focus on our similarities and common humanity as opposed to our what separates us. Read about Lauri by clicking the "2024 Faculty" button. Join for free by clicking the "Join" button. Times are listed in Pacific Time. Note the time converter above.
  • The Feast for the Soul is a 40-day worldwide spiritual practice immersion during which thousands of people of all ages, from a wide variety of spiritual and religious traditions, make a commitment to deepen their spiritual practice and expand their awareness. The Feast is observed each year on January 15th and concludes on February 23rd. It is now in its 17th year of helping people deepen their spiritual practice and create compassionate communities. The Feast is offered free of charge and is open to people everywhere. Each day a live guided meditation and conversation is offered at 11 am PT, 2 pm ET, 7 pm GMT, and 6 am the next day in Australia. Typically, the session runs for 40-minute session: 10 minutes of teaching/introducing the meditation, 20 minutes of practice, and a wrap up with Q & A for 10 minutes. Each session is recorded and uploaded to the Feast’s YouTube channel so if you miss the practice, you can watch it at your convenience. See the link above for access to our YouTube channel.
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  • Anam Thubten offers an Awareness Meditation
  • 1/24/2024-11:0
  • 1/24/2024-12:0
  • Virtual on Zoom - Click the Join Button to Attend
  • https://feastforthesoul.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/Anam-Thubten-1.jpeg
  • Join today's Awareness meditation with Anam Thubten, Rinpoche. Practicing Awareness leads to equanimity in all situations. Read about him by clicking the "2024 Faculty" button. Read about Anam by clicking the "2024 Faculty" button. Join for free by clicking the "Join" button. Times are listed in Pacific Time. Note the time converter above.
  • The Feast for the Soul is a 40-day worldwide spiritual practice immersion during which thousands of people of all ages, from a wide variety of spiritual and religious traditions, make a commitment to deepen their spiritual practice and expand their awareness. The Feast is observed each year on January 15th and concludes on February 23rd. It is now in its 17th year of helping people deepen their spiritual practice and create compassionate communities. The Feast is offered free of charge and is open to people everywhere. Each day a live guided meditation and conversation is offered at 11 am PT, 2 pm ET, 7 pm GMT, and 6 am the next day in Australia. Typically, the session runs for 40-minute session: 10 minutes of teaching/introducing the meditation, 20 minutes of practice, and a wrap up with Q & A for 10 minutes. Each session is recorded and uploaded to the Feast’s YouTube channel so if you miss the practice, you can watch it at your convenience. See the link above for access to our YouTube channel.
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  • Emma Legge offers a Cloak of Protection Meditation
  • 1/25/2024-11:0
  • 1/25/2024-12:0
  • Virtual on Zoom - Click the Join Button to Attend
  • https://feastforthesoul.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/Emma-Legge.jpg
  • Emma Legge from Scotland will share a cloak of protection meditation which is used at the beginning of the nine month Queen’s Nurse Development Programme. It is a favourite of ours and a meditation which many nurses return to again and again. The cloak of protection meditation is something that we can use in any situation where we experience doubt, or stress or insecurity, and it helps us to create a layer of protection as we enter challenging situations to give us strength and confidence. I would like to thank Prof Brendan McCormack, Head of The Susan Wakil School of Nursing and Midwifery and Dean Faculty of Medicine and Health at the University of Sydney for introducing me to this meditation. Find out more about Emma by clicking on the "2024 Faculty" button. Join for free by clicking the "Join" button. Times are listed in Pacific Time. Note the time converter above. Each session is recorded and uploaded to the Feast’s YouTube channel so if you miss the practice, you can watch it at your convenience. See the link above for access to our YouTube channel.
  • The Feast for the Soul is a 40-day worldwide spiritual practice immersion during which thousands of people of all ages, from a wide variety of spiritual and religious traditions, make a commitment to deepen their spiritual practice and expand their awareness. The Feast is observed each year on January 15th and concludes on February 23rd. It is now in its 17th year of helping people deepen their spiritual practice and create compassionate communities. The Feast is offered free of charge and is open to people everywhere. Each day a live guided meditation and conversation is offered at 11 am PT, 2 pm ET, 7 pm GMT, and 6 am the next day in Australia. Typically, the session runs for 40-minute session: 10 minutes of teaching/introducing the meditation, 20 minutes of practice, and a wrap up with Q & A for 10 minutes. Each session is recorded and uploaded to the Feast’s YouTube channel so if you miss the practice, you can watch it at your convenience. See the link above for access to our YouTube channel.
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  • Dada the Monk Dude offers a A Devotional Perspective of Meditation
  • 1/26/2024-11:0
  • 1/26/2024-12:0
  • Virtual on Zoom - Click the Join Button to Attend
  • https://feastforthesoul.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/Dada-the-Monk-Dude.jpeg
  • Dada known as "the Monk Dude" will share The Secret of Meditation - a devotional perspective, a practice that helps to reduce feeling of ego, and develops a relationship with the Divine. Find out more about him by clicking the "2024 Faculty" button. Join for free by clicking the "Join" button. Times are listed in Pacific Time. Note the time converter above. Each session is recorded and uploaded to the Feast’s YouTube channel so if you miss the practice, you can watch it at your convenience. See the link above for access to our YouTube channel.
  • The Feast for the Soul is a 40-day worldwide spiritual practice immersion during which thousands of people of all ages, from a wide variety of spiritual and religious traditions, make a commitment to deepen their spiritual practice and expand their awareness. The Feast is observed each year on January 15th and concludes on February 23rd. It is now in its 17th year of helping people deepen their spiritual practice and create compassionate communities. The Feast is offered free of charge and is open to people everywhere. Each day a live guided meditation and conversation is offered at 11 am PT, 2 pm ET, 7 pm GMT, and 6 am the next day in Australia. Typically, the session runs for 40-minute session: 10 minutes of teaching/introducing the meditation, 20 minutes of practice, and a wrap up with Q & A for 10 minutes. Each session is recorded and uploaded to the Feast’s YouTube channel so if you miss the practice, you can watch it at your convenience. See the link above for access to our YouTube channel.
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  • Anne Sussman offers a Self-Inquiry Practice
  • 1/27/2024-11:0
  • 1/27/2024-12:0
  • Virtual on Zoom - Click the Join Button to Attend
  • https://feastforthesoul.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/Anne-Sussman-Field-of-Love-scaled.jpg
  • Anne Sussman offers a self-inquiry practice to connect to the deepest part of who you are We will drop into the heart space and ask our highest self a question. Learning to listen to the answers in a powerful practice to align with your Soul and guide your life. This is a practice you can use anytime you need an answer! Find out more about Anne by clicking the "2024 Faculty" button. Join for free by clicking the "Join" button. Times are listed in Pacific Time. Note the time converter above. Each session is recorded and uploaded to the Feast’s YouTube channel so if you miss the practice, you can watch it at your convenience. See the link above for access to our YouTube channel.
  • The Feast for the Soul is a 40-day worldwide spiritual practice immersion during which thousands of people of all ages, from a wide variety of spiritual and religious traditions, make a commitment to deepen their spiritual practice and expand their awareness. The Feast is observed each year on January 15th and concludes on February 23rd. It is now in its 17th year of helping people deepen their spiritual practice and create compassionate communities. The Feast is offered free of charge and is open to people everywhere. Each day a live guided meditation and conversation is offered at 11 am PT, 2 pm ET, 7 pm GMT, and 6 am the next day in Australia. Typically, the session runs for 40-minute session: 10 minutes of teaching/introducing the meditation, 20 minutes of practice, and a wrap up with Q & A for 10 minutes. Each session is recorded and uploaded to the Feast’s YouTube channel so if you miss the practice, you can watch it at your convenience. See the link above for access to our YouTube channel.
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  • Corrine Champigny offers a Meditation for Letting Go
  • 1/28/2024-11:0
  • 1/28/2024-12:0
  • Virtual on Zoom - Click the Join Button to Attend
  • https://feastforthesoul.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/Corrine-1.jpg
  • Corrine guides a Letting Go meditation which is profoundly relaxing and deeply restful. Where there is deep rest, there is deep healing and restoration. You will feel refreshed, clear and calm after the meditation. Find out more about Corrine by clicking the "2024 Faculty" button. Join for free by clicking the "Join" button. Times are listed in Pacific Time. Note the time converter above. Each session is recorded and uploaded to the Feast’s YouTube channel so if you miss the practice, you can watch it at your convenience. See the link above for access to our YouTube channel.
  • The Feast for the Soul is a 40-day worldwide spiritual practice immersion during which thousands of people of all ages, from a wide variety of spiritual and religious traditions, make a commitment to deepen their spiritual practice and expand their awareness. The Feast is observed each year on January 15th and concludes on February 23rd. It is now in its 17th year of helping people deepen their spiritual practice and create compassionate communities. The Feast is offered free of charge and is open to people everywhere. Each day a live guided meditation and conversation is offered at 11 am PT, 2 pm ET, 7 pm GMT, and 6 am the next day in Australia. Typically, the session runs for 40-minute session: 10 minutes of teaching/introducing the meditation, 20 minutes of practice, and a wrap up with Q & A for 10 minutes. Each session is recorded and uploaded to the Feast’s YouTube channel so if you miss the practice, you can watch it at your convenience. See the link above for access to our YouTube channel.
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  • Karen Neil offers a Meditation for Nurturing Adults Supporting Children
  • 1/29/2024-11:0
  • 1/29/2024-12:0
  • Virtual on Zoom - Click the Join Button to Attend
  • https://feastforthesoul.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/karen.jpg
  • Karen Neil offers a nurturing practice that builds on mindfulness for parents, recognising the suffering of children and young people recovering from the pandemic, and experiencing worries about a rapidly changing world. Guidance will be offered to adults, who may be parents, carers, teachers, relatives, friends, or neighbours, to nurture themselves, with kindness and care, enabling them to best support the children in their lives.Find out more about Karen by clicking the "2024 Faculty" button. Join for free by clicking the "Join" button. Times are listed in Pacific Time. Note the time converter above. Each session is recorded and uploaded to the Feast’s YouTube channel so if you miss the practice, you can watch it at your convenience. See the link above for access to our YouTube channel.
  • The Feast for the Soul is a 40-day worldwide spiritual practice immersion during which thousands of people of all ages, from a wide variety of spiritual and religious traditions, make a commitment to deepen their spiritual practice and expand their awareness. The Feast is observed each year on January 15th and concludes on February 23rd. It is now in its 17th year of helping people deepen their spiritual practice and create compassionate communities. The Feast is offered free of charge and is open to people everywhere. Each day a live guided meditation and conversation is offered at 11 am PT, 2 pm ET, 7 pm GMT, and 6 am the next day in Australia. Typically, the session runs for 40-minute session: 10 minutes of teaching/introducing the meditation, 20 minutes of practice, and a wrap up with Q & A for 10 minutes. Each session is recorded and uploaded to the Feast’s YouTube channel so if you miss the practice, you can watch it at your convenience. See the link above for access to our YouTube channel.
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  • Ruth Davis offers a Meditation for Spiritual Growth
  • 1/30/2024-11:0
  • 1/30/2024-12:0
  • Virtual on Zoom - Click the Join Button to Attend
  • https://feastforthesoul.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/Ruth-Davis-Photo.jpg
  • Ruth Davis guides a Practice for Absorbing the qualities of the Spiritual Heart. Read about Ruth by clicking the "2024 Faculty" button. Join for free by clicking the "Join" button. Times are listed in Pacific Time. Note the time converter above. Each session is recorded and uploaded to the Feast’s YouTube channel so if you miss the practice, you can watch it at your convenience. See the link above for access to our YouTube channel.
  • The Feast for the Soul is a 40-day worldwide spiritual practice immersion during which thousands of people of all ages, from a wide variety of spiritual and religious traditions, make a commitment to deepen their spiritual practice and expand their awareness. The Feast is observed each year on January 15th and concludes on February 23rd. It is now in its 17th year of helping people deepen their spiritual practice and create compassionate communities. The Feast is offered free of charge and is open to people everywhere. Each day a live guided meditation and conversation is offered at 11 am PT, 2 pm ET, 7 pm GMT, and 6 am the next day in Australia. Typically, the session runs for 40-minute session: 10 minutes of teaching/introducing the meditation, 20 minutes of practice, and a wrap up with Q & A for 10 minutes. Each session is recorded and uploaded to the Feast’s YouTube channel so if you miss the practice, you can watch it at your convenience. See the link above for access to our YouTube channel.
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  • Suzi von offers a Meditation to Open & Balance Your Energy Centers
  • 1/31/2024-11:0
  • 1/31/2024-12:0
  • Virtual on Zoom - Click the Join Button to Attend
  • https://feastforthesoul.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/suzi-e1646082377570.jpg
  • Suzi offers a chakra activation practice energizing each energy centre by using mantras with sound and colour visualisations. Find out more about Suzi by clicking the "2024 Faculty" button. Join for free by clicking the "Join" button. Times are listed in Pacific Time. Note the time converter above. Each session is recorded and uploaded to the Feast’s YouTube channel so if you miss the practice, you can watch it at your convenience. See the link above for access to our YouTube channel. Find out more about Suzi by clicking the "2024 Faculty" button. Join for free by clicking the "Join" button. Times are listed in Pacific Time. Note the time converter above. Each session is recorded and uploaded to the Feast’s YouTube channel so if you miss the practice, you can watch it at your convenience. See the link above for access to our YouTube channel.
  • The Feast for the Soul is a 40-day worldwide spiritual practice immersion during which thousands of people of all ages, from a wide variety of spiritual and religious traditions, make a commitment to deepen their spiritual practice and expand their awareness. The Feast is observed each year on January 15th and concludes on February 23rd. It is now in its 17th year of helping people deepen their spiritual practice and create compassionate communities. The Feast is offered free of charge and is open to people everywhere. Each day a live guided meditation and conversation is offered at 11 am PT, 2 pm ET, 7 pm GMT, and 6 am the next day in Australia. Typically, the session runs for 40-minute session: 10 minutes of teaching/introducing the meditation, 20 minutes of practice, and a wrap up with Q & A for 10 minutes. Each session is recorded and uploaded to the Feast’s YouTube channel so if you miss the practice, you can watch it at your convenience. See the link above for access to our YouTube channel.
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  • Thriving Thursday Talks with Sue Cooper
  • 2/1/2024-12:0
  • 2/1/2024-13:0
  • Virtual on Zoom - Click the Join Button to Attend
  • https://feastforthesoul.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/Thriving-Thursday.png
  • Following today's meditation, at 12pm PT/ 3pm ET/ 8pm GMT join in the Thriving Thursday conversations with Sue Cooper. Click the Join button to attend, free of charge to attend an nspiring talk with dynamic practitioners who are actively empowering mind, body, spiritual practices to enhance wellbeing, individually and in communities.
  • The Feast for the Soul is a 40-day worldwide spiritual practice immersion during which thousands of people of all ages, from a wide variety of spiritual and religious traditions, make a commitment to deepen their spiritual practice and expand their awareness. The Feast is observed each year on January 15th and concludes on February 23rd. It is now in its 17th year of helping people deepen their spiritual practice and create compassionate communities. The Feast is offered free of charge and is open to people everywhere. Each day a live guided meditation and conversation is offered at 11 am PT, 2 pm ET, 7 pm GMT, and 6 am the next day in Australia. Typically, the session runs for 40-minute session: 10 minutes of teaching/introducing the meditation, 20 minutes of practice, and a wrap up with Q & A for 10 minutes. Each session is recorded and uploaded to the Feast’s YouTube channel so if you miss the practice, you can watch it at your convenience. See the link above for access to our YouTube channel.
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  • Bruce Davis offers a Meditation for Spiritual Growth
  • 2/2/2024-11:0
  • 2/2/2024-12:0
  • Virtual on Zoom - Click the Join Button to Attend
  • https://feastforthesoul.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/Bruce-Davis-PhD.png
  • Join a meditation with Bruce Davis who will guide a meditation to receive the simple peace in your own hearts. Letting go of your busy mind, your heart waits for you with an expanded awareness. As you go deeper within, you become an instrument of peace. Find out more about Bruce by clicking the "2024 Faculty" button. Join for free by clicking the "Join" button. Times are listed in Pacific Time. Note the time converter above. Each session is recorded and uploaded to the Feast’s YouTube channel so if you miss the practice, you can watch it at your convenience. See the link above for access to our YouTube channel.
  • The Feast for the Soul is a 40-day worldwide spiritual practice immersion during which thousands of people of all ages, from a wide variety of spiritual and religious traditions, make a commitment to deepen their spiritual practice and expand their awareness. The Feast is observed each year on January 15th and concludes on February 23rd. It is now in its 17th year of helping people deepen their spiritual practice and create compassionate communities. The Feast is offered free of charge and is open to people everywhere. Each day a live guided meditation and conversation is offered at 11 am PT, 2 pm ET, 7 pm GMT, and 6 am the next day in Australia. Typically, the session runs for 40-minute session: 10 minutes of teaching/introducing the meditation, 20 minutes of practice, and a wrap up with Q & A for 10 minutes. Each session is recorded and uploaded to the Feast’s YouTube channel so if you miss the practice, you can watch it at your convenience. See the link above for access to our YouTube channel.
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  • Laurel Geise offers a Receiving Your Soul's Mantra Meditation
  • 2/3/2024-11:0
  • 2/3/2024-12:0
  • Virtual on Zoom - Click the Join Button to Attend
  • https://feastforthesoul.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/Laurel-Geise-e1673658606384.jpg
  • By receiving your personal Soul Mantra during this guided meditation, you will experience more peace, grace and ease in your daily living. Bring a journal and a pen to the session with Laurel. Find out more about Laurel by clicking the "2024 Faculty" button. Join for free by clicking the "Join" button. Times are listed in Pacific Time. Note the time converter above. Each session is recorded and uploaded to the Feast’s YouTube channel so if you miss the practice, you can watch it at your convenience. See the link above for access to our YouTube channel.
  • The Feast for the Soul is a 40-day worldwide spiritual practice immersion during which thousands of people of all ages, from a wide variety of spiritual and religious traditions, make a commitment to deepen their spiritual practice and expand their awareness. The Feast is observed each year on January 15th and concludes on February 23rd. It is now in its 17th year of helping people deepen their spiritual practice and create compassionate communities. The Feast is offered free of charge and is open to people everywhere. Each day a live guided meditation and conversation is offered at 11 am PT, 2 pm ET, 7 pm GMT, and 6 am the next day in Australia. Typically, the session runs for 40-minute session: 10 minutes of teaching/introducing the meditation, 20 minutes of practice, and a wrap up with Q & A for 10 minutes. Each session is recorded and uploaded to the Feast’s YouTube channel so if you miss the practice, you can watch it at your convenience. See the link above for access to our YouTube channel.
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  • Philip Goldberg offers a Self-Revealing Effortless Meditation
  • 2/4/2024-11:0
  • 2/4/2024-12:0
  • Virtual on Zoom - Click the Join Button to Attend
  • https://feastforthesoul.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/Phil-by-Dan-4-scaled.jpg
  • Philip offers a Self-Revealing Effortless Meditation - a natural form of mantra meditation known by swamis in India as bhavateet dhyan. No skill, effort, or control is required. In fact, they're counter-productive. Students will encounter transcendence of thought and sensation in which true Self is illuminated. Immediate benefits include deep relaxation, mental clarity, and inner peace. Importantly, they will leave knowing how to use the practice on their own. Find out more about Philip by clicking the "2024 Faculty" button. Join for free by clicking the "Join" button. Times are listed in Pacific Time. Note the time converter above. Each session is recorded and uploaded to the Feast’s YouTube channel so if you miss the practice, you can watch it at your convenience. See the link above for access to our YouTube channel.
  • The Feast for the Soul is a 40-day worldwide spiritual practice immersion during which thousands of people of all ages, from a wide variety of spiritual and religious traditions, make a commitment to deepen their spiritual practice and expand their awareness. The Feast is observed each year on January 15th and concludes on February 23rd. It is now in its 17th year of helping people deepen their spiritual practice and create compassionate communities. The Feast is offered free of charge and is open to people everywhere. Each day a live guided meditation and conversation is offered at 11 am PT, 2 pm ET, 7 pm GMT, and 6 am the next day in Australia. Typically, the session runs for 40-minute session: 10 minutes of teaching/introducing the meditation, 20 minutes of practice, and a wrap up with Q & A for 10 minutes. Each session is recorded and uploaded to the Feast’s YouTube channel so if you miss the practice, you can watch it at your convenience. See the link above for access to our YouTube channel.
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  • Melinda Ribner offers a Wearing a Crown of Light Meditation
  • 2/5/2024-11:0
  • 2/5/2024-12:0
  • Virtual on Zoom - Click the Join Button to Attend
  • https://feastforthesoul.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/Melinda-Ribner.jpg
  • Experience a guided meditation with Melinda Ribner, Wearing a Crown of Light, Accessing your own beauttiful soul. Utilizing the Jewish Kabbalistic framework and breathing techniques, Melinda will facilitate participants' direct access to experiencing their soul and creator. Find out more about Melinda by clicking the "2024 Faculty" button. Join for free by clicking the "Join" button. Times are listed in Pacific Time. Note the time converter above. Each session is recorded and uploaded to the Feast’s YouTube channel so if you miss the practice, you can watch it at your convenience. See the link above for access to our YouTube channel.
  • The Feast for the Soul is a 40-day worldwide spiritual practice immersion during which thousands of people of all ages, from a wide variety of spiritual and religious traditions, make a commitment to deepen their spiritual practice and expand their awareness. The Feast is observed each year on January 15th and concludes on February 23rd. It is now in its 17th year of helping people deepen their spiritual practice and create compassionate communities. The Feast is offered free of charge and is open to people everywhere. Each day a live guided meditation and conversation is offered at 11 am PT, 2 pm ET, 7 pm GMT, and 6 am the next day in Australia. Typically, the session runs for 40-minute session: 10 minutes of teaching/introducing the meditation, 20 minutes of practice, and a wrap up with Q & A for 10 minutes. Each session is recorded and uploaded to the Feast’s YouTube channel so if you miss the practice, you can watch it at your convenience. See the link above for access to our YouTube channel.
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  • Khedrupchen Rinpoche offers an Awareness Meditation
  • 2/6/2024-11:0
  • 2/6/2024-12:0
  • Virtual on Zoom - Click the Join Button to Attend
  • https://feastforthesoul.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/Khedrup-scaled.jpg
  • Khedrup RInpoche offers an Awareness Meditation - one of the methods that points directly to the fundamental nature of the mind. Find out more about him by clicking the "2024 Faculty" button. Join for free by clicking the "Join" button. Times are listed in Pacific Time. Note the time converter above. Each session is recorded and uploaded to the Feast’s YouTube channel so if you miss the practice, you can watch it at your convenience. See the link above for access to our YouTube channel.
  • The Feast for the Soul is a 40-day worldwide spiritual practice immersion during which thousands of people of all ages, from a wide variety of spiritual and religious traditions, make a commitment to deepen their spiritual practice and expand their awareness. The Feast is observed each year on January 15th and concludes on February 23rd. It is now in its 17th year of helping people deepen their spiritual practice and create compassionate communities. The Feast is offered free of charge and is open to people everywhere. Each day a live guided meditation and conversation is offered at 11 am PT, 2 pm ET, 7 pm GMT, and 6 am the next day in Australia. Typically, the session runs for 40-minute session: 10 minutes of teaching/introducing the meditation, 20 minutes of practice, and a wrap up with Q & A for 10 minutes. Each session is recorded and uploaded to the Feast’s YouTube channel so if you miss the practice, you can watch it at your convenience. See the link above for access to our YouTube channel.
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  • Sarah McLean offers Contemplation & Silent Meditation
  • 2/7/2024-9:0
  • 2/7/2024-9:30
  • Click the Join Button
  • https://feastforthesoul.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/20240128_130836_0000.png
  • 5 Days of Mindfulness Meditation Training Contemplations – February 7 – 11 Live with Sarah McLean – Virtual & Free Join any or all of the five days of meditation & contemplation of the Five Mindfulness Trainings of the esteemed Vietnamese Zen Buddhist teacher, the late Thich Nhat Hanh. The program is offered by Sarah McLean who received the Mindfulness Trainings from him. It's a 30-minute program to explore guidance for living a more mindful and compassionate life.
  • Sarah McLean offers this 5 day series free of charge. Held February 7th to 11th at 9 am PT, (12 noon ET, 5 pm UK), Join any or all of the days of practice.
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  • Sue Cooper offers a Visualization Meditation
  • 2/7/2024-11:0
  • 2/7/2024-12:0
  • Virtual on Zoom - Click the Join Button to Attend
  • https://feastforthesoul.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/1-e1673659185905.png
  • Walk with me in nature and explore the beauty of stillness. I will be guiding a visualisation embracing the soft and vibrant colours of the rainbow to soothe and centre the mind, relax the body and fill the senses with peace and love.Find out more about Sue by clicking the "2024 Faculty" button. Join for free by clicking the "Join" button. Times are listed in Pacific Time. Note the time converter above. Each session is recorded and uploaded to the Feast’s YouTube channel so if you miss the practice, you can watch it at your convenience. See the link above for access to our YouTube channel.
  • The Feast for the Soul is a 40-day worldwide spiritual practice immersion during which thousands of people of all ages, from a wide variety of spiritual and religious traditions, make a commitment to deepen their spiritual practice and expand their awareness. The Feast is observed each year on January 15th and concludes on February 23rd. It is now in its 17th year of helping people deepen their spiritual practice and create compassionate communities. The Feast is offered free of charge and is open to people everywhere. Each day a live guided meditation and conversation is offered at 11 am PT, 2 pm ET, 7 pm GMT, and 6 am the next day in Australia. Typically, the session runs for 40-minute session: 10 minutes of teaching/introducing the meditation, 20 minutes of practice, and a wrap up with Q & A for 10 minutes. Each session is recorded and uploaded to the Feast’s YouTube channel so if you miss the practice, you can watch it at your convenience. See the link above for access to our YouTube channel.
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  • Thriving Thursday Talks with Sarah McLean & Suzi von M.
  • 2/8/2024-12:0
  • 2/8/2024-13:0
  • Virtual on Zoom - Click the Join Button to Attend
  • https://feastforthesoul.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/Thriving-Thursday.png
  • Following today's meditation, at 12pm PT/ 3pm ET/ 8pm GMT join in the Thriving Thursday conversations with Sue Cooper. Click the Join button to attend, free of charge to attend an nspiring talk with dynamic practitioners who are actively empowering mind, body, spiritual practices to enhance wellbeing, individually and in communities.
  • The Feast for the Soul is a 40-day worldwide spiritual practice immersion during which thousands of people of all ages, from a wide variety of spiritual and religious traditions, make a commitment to deepen their spiritual practice and expand their awareness. The Feast is observed each year on January 15th and concludes on February 23rd. It is now in its 17th year of helping people deepen their spiritual practice and create compassionate communities. The Feast is offered free of charge and is open to people everywhere. Each day a live guided meditation and conversation is offered at 11 am PT, 2 pm ET, 7 pm GMT, and 6 am the next day in Australia. Typically, the session runs for 40-minute session: 10 minutes of teaching/introducing the meditation, 20 minutes of practice, and a wrap up with Q & A for 10 minutes. Each session is recorded and uploaded to the Feast’s YouTube channel so if you miss the practice, you can watch it at your convenience. See the link above for access to our YouTube channel.
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  • Sarah McLean offers Contemplation & Silent Meditation
  • 2/8/2024-9:0
  • 2/8/2024-9:30
  • Click the Join Button
  • https://feastforthesoul.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/20240128_130836_0000.png
  • 5 Days of Mindfulness Meditation Training Contemplations – February 7 – 11 Live with Sarah McLean – Virtual & Free Join any or all of the five days of meditation & contemplation of the Five Mindfulness Trainings of the esteemed Vietnamese Zen Buddhist teacher, the late Thich Nhat Hanh. The program is offered by Sarah McLean who received the Mindfulness Trainings from him. It's a 30-minute program to explore guidance for living a more mindful and compassionate life.
  • Sarah McLean offers this 5 day series free of charge. Held February 7th to 11th at 9 am PT, (12 noon ET, 5 pm UK), Join any or all of the days of practice.
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  • Sarah McLean offers Contemplation & Silent Meditation
  • 2/9/2024-9:0
  • 2/9/2024-9:30
  • Click the Join Button
  • https://feastforthesoul.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/20240128_130836_0000.png
  • 5 Days of Mindfulness Meditation Training Contemplations – February 7 – 11 Live with Sarah McLean – Virtual & Free Join any or all of the five days of meditation & contemplation of the Five Mindfulness Trainings of the esteemed Vietnamese Zen Buddhist teacher, the late Thich Nhat Hanh. The program is offered by Sarah McLean who received the Mindfulness Trainings from him. It's a 30-minute program to explore guidance for living a more mindful and compassionate life.
  • Sarah McLean offers this 5 day series free of charge. Held February 7th to 11th at 9 am PT, (12 noon ET, 5 pm UK), Join any or all of the days of practice.
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  • Aileen Barry offers a Loving Kindness Meditation Practice
  • 2/9/2024-11:0
  • 2/9/2024-12:0
  • Virtual on Zoom - Click the Join Button to Attend
  • https://feastforthesoul.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/Eileen-Barry.jpg
  • Aileen Barry will offer a Loving Kindness practice to help you develop confidence in your ability to show up with compassion. It is key to healing our own suffering. It is the foundation of the path that brings us home, to our heart, to genuine happiness that just naturally supports all other beings too.Find out more about Aileen by clicking the "2024 Faculty" button. Join for free by clicking the "Join" button. Times are listed in Pacific Time. Note the time converter above. Each session is recorded and uploaded to the Feast’s YouTube channel so if you miss the practice, you can watch it at your convenience. See the link above for access to our YouTube channel.
  • The Feast for the Soul is a 40-day worldwide spiritual practice immersion during which thousands of people of all ages, from a wide variety of spiritual and religious traditions, make a commitment to deepen their spiritual practice and expand their awareness. The Feast is observed each year on January 15th and concludes on February 23rd. It is now in its 17th year of helping people deepen their spiritual practice and create compassionate communities. The Feast is offered free of charge and is open to people everywhere. Each day a live guided meditation and conversation is offered at 11 am PT, 2 pm ET, 7 pm GMT, and 6 am the next day AEDT Typically, the session runs for 45-minutes: 10 minutes of teaching/introducing the meditation, 20 minutes of practice, and a wrap up with Q & A for 10 minutes. Each session is recorded and uploaded to the Feast’s YouTube channel so if you miss the practice, you can watch it at your convenience.
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  • Sarah McLean offers Contemplation & Silent Meditation
  • 2/10/2024-9:0
  • 2/10/2024-9:30
  • Click the Join Button
  • https://feastforthesoul.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/20240128_130836_0000.png
  • 5 Days of Mindfulness Meditation Training Contemplations – February 7 – 11 Live with Sarah McLean – Virtual & Free Join any or all of the five days of meditation & contemplation of the Five Mindfulness Trainings of the esteemed Vietnamese Zen Buddhist teacher, the late Thich Nhat Hanh. The program is offered by Sarah McLean who received the Mindfulness Trainings from him. It's a 30-minute program to explore guidance for living a more mindful and compassionate life.
  • Sarah McLean offers this 5 day series free of charge. Held February 7th to 11th at 9 am PT, (12 noon ET, 5 pm UK), Join any or all of the days of practice.
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  • Marilyn Hamilton offers a meditation to Find the Island of Calm Within
  • 2/10/2024-11:0
  • 2/10/2024-12:0
  • Virtual on Zoom - Click the Join Button to Attend
  • https://feastforthesoul.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/marilyn-hamilton.jpg
  • Find the Island of Calm within. Marilyn applies the Gaia Code of Care to reinvent cities as Gaia’s Regeneration Hubs, where Evolutionary Leadership is necessary for individuals and collectives to serve Gaia both as Placecarers (of consciousness and culture) and Placemakers (of actions and systems). Today she will share her meditation on Islands of Calm for Cities, Towns, Villages, guiding us through the process of finding the Island of Calm in ourselves so that we can influence up to 1000 other people.Find out more about Marilyn by clicking the "2024 Faculty" button. Join for free by clicking the "Join" button. Times are listed in Pacific Time. Note the time converter above. Each session is recorded and uploaded to the Feast’s YouTube channel so if you miss the practice, you can watch it at your convenience. See the link above for access to our YouTube channel.
  • The Feast for the Soul is a 40-day worldwide spiritual practice immersion during which thousands of people of all ages, from a wide variety of spiritual and religious traditions, make a commitment to deepen their spiritual practice and expand their awareness. The Feast is observed each year on January 15th and concludes on February 23rd. It is now in its 17th year of helping people deepen their spiritual practice and create compassionate communities. The Feast is offered free of charge and is open to people everywhere. Each day a live guided meditation and conversation is offered at 11 am PT, 2 pm ET, 7 pm GMT, and 6 am the next day in Australia. Typically, the session runs for 40-minute session: 10 minutes of teaching/introducing the meditation, 20 minutes of practice, and a wrap up with Q & A for 10 minutes. Each session is recorded and uploaded to the Feast’s YouTube channel so if you miss the practice, you can watch it at your convenience. See the link above for access to our YouTube channel.
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  • Sarah McLean offers Contemplation & Silent Meditation
  • 2/11/2024-9:0
  • 2/11/2024-9:30
  • Click the Join Button
  • https://feastforthesoul.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/20240128_130836_0000.png
  • 5 Days of Mindfulness Training Contemplations & Meditation – February 7 – 11 Live with Sarah McLean – Virtual & Free Join any or all of the five days of meditation & contemplation of the Five Mindfulness Trainings of the esteemed Vietnamese Zen Buddhist teacher, the late Thich Nhat Hanh. The program is offered by Sarah McLean who received the Mindfulness Trainings from him. It's a 30-minute program to explore guidance for living a more mindful and compassionate life.
  • Sarah McLean offers this 5 day series free of charge. Held February 7th to 11th at 9 am PT, (12 noon ET, 5 pm UK), Join any or all of the days of practice.
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  • Shey Khandro offers a Mindful Resilience Meditation to Navigate Life's Challenges with Grace
  • 2/11/2024-11:0
  • 2/11/2024-12:0
  • Virtual on Zoom - Click the Join Button to Attend
  • https://feastforthesoul.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/Khandro_Headshot-2023.jpg
  • "Mindful Resilience: Navigate Life's Challenges with Grace" Embark on a transformative experience with Shey's 'Mindful Resilience' session. Face life's challenges with strength and grace. Enjoy a short teaching, a rejuvenating 20-minute guided meditation, and have your questions answered with an interactive Q&A. Cultivate resilience, connect with others, and embrace a more resilient you. Find out more about Shey by clicking the "2024 Faculty" button. Join for free by clicking the "Join" button. Times are listed in Pacific Time. Note the time converter above. Each session is recorded and uploaded to the Feast’s YouTube channel so if you miss the practice, you can watch it at your convenience. See the link above for access to our YouTube channel.
  • The Feast for the Soul is a 40-day worldwide spiritual practice immersion during which thousands of people of all ages, from a wide variety of spiritual and religious traditions, make a commitment to deepen their spiritual practice and expand their awareness. The Feast is observed each year on January 15th and concludes on February 23rd. It is now in its 17th year of helping people deepen their spiritual practice and create compassionate communities. The Feast is offered free of charge and is open to people everywhere. Each day a live guided meditation and conversation is offered at 11 am PT, 2 pm ET, 7 pm GMT, and 6 am the next day in Australia. Typically, the session runs for 40-minute session: 10 minutes of teaching/introducing the meditation, 20 minutes of practice, and a wrap up with Q & A for 10 minutes. Each session is recorded and uploaded to the Feast’s YouTube channel so if you miss the practice, you can watch it at your convenience. See the link above for access to our YouTube channel.
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  • David Less (Shahabuddin) offers a Meditation on Going Beyond Physical Death
  • 2/12/2024-11:0
  • 2/12/2024-12:0
  • Virtual on Zoom - Click the Join Button to Attend
  • https://feastforthesoul.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/shahabuddin-david-less-2000x700.jpg
  • Going Beyond Physical Death: Our habitual identification with our physical bodies has led to doubts about the nature of life after the death of the body. In this meditation, we will briefly switch perspectives and understand that the journey is infinitely long and our visit to planet Earth is quite short.Most of the work he does is with the Abrahamic Reunion (www.abrahamicreunion.org), an organization he founded and is quite involved in bringing peace to the Middle East.Find out more about David by clicking the "2024 Faculty" button. Join for free by clicking the "Join" button. Times are listed in Pacific Time. Note the time converter above. Each session is recorded and uploaded to the Feast’s YouTube channel so if you miss the practice, you can watch it at your convenience. See the link above for access to our YouTube channel.
  • The Feast for the Soul is a 40-day worldwide spiritual practice immersion during which thousands of people of all ages, from a wide variety of spiritual and religious traditions, make a commitment to deepen their spiritual practice and expand their awareness. The Feast is observed each year on January 15th and concludes on February 23rd. It is now in its 17th year of helping people deepen their spiritual practice and create compassionate communities. The Feast is offered free of charge and is open to people everywhere. Each day a live guided meditation and conversation is offered at 11 am PT, 2 pm ET, 7 pm GMT, and 6 am the next day in Australia. Typically, the session runs for 40-minute session: 10 minutes of teaching/introducing the meditation, 20 minutes of practice, and a wrap up with Q & A for 10 minutes. Each session is recorded and uploaded to the Feast’s YouTube channel so if you miss the practice, you can watch it at your convenience. See the link above for access to our YouTube channel.
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  • Christelle Chopard offers a Meditation to Balance the 5 Elements
  • 2/13/2024-11:0
  • 2/13/2024-12:0
  • Virtual on Zoom - Click the Join Button to Attend
  • https://feastforthesoul.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/Christelle-Chopard-scaled.jpeg
  • This meditation leads you to nurture your true nature and to access a frequency of serenity. Leading you to experience a A-Ha moment. Find out more about Christelle by clicking the "2024 Faculty" button. Join for free by clicking the "Join" button. Times are listed in Pacific Time. Note the time converter above. Each session is recorded and uploaded to the Feast’s YouTube channel so if you miss the practice, you can watch it at your convenience. See the link above for access to our YouTube channel.
  • The Feast for the Soul is a 40-day worldwide spiritual practice immersion during which thousands of people of all ages, from a wide variety of spiritual and religious traditions, make a commitment to deepen their spiritual practice and expand their awareness. The Feast is observed each year on January 15th and concludes on February 23rd. It is now in its 17th year of helping people deepen their spiritual practice and create compassionate communities. The Feast is offered free of charge and is open to people everywhere. Each day a live guided meditation and conversation is offered at 11 am PT, 2 pm ET, 7 pm GMT, and 6 am the next day in Australia. Typically, the session runs for 40-minute session: 10 minutes of teaching/introducing the meditation, 20 minutes of practice, and a wrap up with Q & A for 10 minutes. Each session is recorded and uploaded to the Feast’s YouTube channel so if you miss the practice, you can watch it at your convenience. See the link above for access to our YouTube channel.
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  • Gavin Andrews offers a Heart-focused meditation on Love for Self & Others
  • 2/14/2024-11:0
  • 2/14/2024-12:0
  • Virtual on Zoom - Click the Join Button to Attend
  • https://feastforthesoul.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/gavin-andrews.jpg
  • Join Gavin on Valentine's Day for a heart-focused meditation on Love for self and others. The meditation will begin with a 5-minute Syntropy audio-visual experience designed to help you effortlessly achieve a high level of heart coherence. Gavin will then share a simple but powerful HeartMath coherence meditation which will enable you to connect deeply with your heart and to radiate love out into the world and towards yourself.Find out more about Gavin by clicking the "2024 Faculty" button. Join for free by clicking the "Join" button. Times are listed in Pacific Time. Note the time converter above. Each session is recorded and uploaded to the Feast’s YouTube channel so if you miss the practice, you can watch it at your convenience. See the link above for access to our YouTube channel.
  • The Feast for the Soul is a 40-day worldwide spiritual practice immersion during which thousands of people of all ages, from a wide variety of spiritual and religious traditions, make a commitment to deepen their spiritual practice and expand their awareness. The Feast is observed each year on January 15th and concludes on February 23rd. It is now in its 17th year of helping people deepen their spiritual practice and create compassionate communities. The Feast is offered free of charge and is open to people everywhere. Each day a live guided meditation and conversation is offered at 11 am PT, 2 pm ET, 7 pm GMT, and 6 am the next day in Australia. Typically, the session runs for 40-minute session: 10 minutes of teaching/introducing the meditation, 20 minutes of practice, and a wrap up with Q & A for 10 minutes. Each session is recorded and uploaded to the Feast’s YouTube channel so if you miss the practice, you can watch it at your convenience. See the link above for access to our YouTube channel.
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  • Thriving Thursday Talks with Sue Cooper
  • 2/15/2024-12:0
  • 2/15/2024-13:0
  • Virtual on Zoom - Click the Join Button to Attend
  • https://feastforthesoul.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/Thriving-Thursday.png
  • Following today's meditation, at 12pm PT/ 3pm ET/ 8pm GMT join in the Thriving Thursday conversations with Sue Cooper. Click the Join button to attend, free of charge to attend an nspiring talk with dynamic practitioners who are actively empowering mind, body, spiritual practices to enhance wellbeing, individually and in communities.
  • The Feast for the Soul is a 40-day worldwide spiritual practice immersion during which thousands of people of all ages, from a wide variety of spiritual and religious traditions, make a commitment to deepen their spiritual practice and expand their awareness. The Feast is observed each year on January 15th and concludes on February 23rd. It is now in its 17th year of helping people deepen their spiritual practice and create compassionate communities. The Feast is offered free of charge and is open to people everywhere. Each day a live guided meditation and conversation is offered at 11 am PT, 2 pm ET, 7 pm GMT, and 6 am the next day in Australia. Typically, the session runs for 40-minute session: 10 minutes of teaching/introducing the meditation, 20 minutes of practice, and a wrap up with Q & A for 10 minutes. Each session is recorded and uploaded to the Feast’s YouTube channel so if you miss the practice, you can watch it at your convenience. See the link above for access to our YouTube channel.
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  • Kimberly Braun offers a Meditation to Unleash the Alchemy of Presence
  • 2/15/2024-11:0
  • 2/15/2024-12:0
  • Virtual on Zoom - Click the Join Button to Attend
  • https://feastforthesoul.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/Kimberly.hipstohead.1.8MB-e1673652383427.jpg
  • This meditation will shift you quickly into deep presence, connecting you to the deep essence of your center. From there all of your life and your purpose will alight with greater clarity, ease and love. Benefits: Rejuvenation, Insight, Alignment and Balance, Release, Clarity and the deep experience of Divine Love. Find out more about KImberly by clicking the "2024 Faculty" button. Join for free by clicking the "Join" button. Times are listed in Pacific Time. Note the time converter above. Each session is recorded and uploaded to the Feast’s YouTube channel so if you miss the practice, you can watch it at your convenience. See the link above for access to our YouTube channel.
  • The Feast for the Soul is a 40-day worldwide spiritual practice immersion during which thousands of people of all ages, from a wide variety of spiritual and religious traditions, make a commitment to deepen their spiritual practice and expand their awareness. The Feast is observed each year on January 15th and concludes on February 23rd. It is now in its 17th year of helping people deepen their spiritual practice and create compassionate communities. The Feast is offered free of charge and is open to people everywhere. Each day a live guided meditation and conversation is offered at 11 am PT, 2 pm ET, 7 pm GMT, and 6 am the next day in Australia. Typically, the session runs for 40-minute session: 10 minutes of teaching/introducing the meditation, 20 minutes of practice, and a wrap up with Q & A for 10 minutes. Each session is recorded and uploaded to the Feast’s YouTube channel so if you miss the practice, you can watch it at your convenience. See the link above for access to our YouTube channel.
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  • Stephanie Clement offers a Mindfulness Meditation: Return to Presence
  • 2/16/2024-11:0
  • 2/16/2024-12:0
  • Virtual on Zoom - Click the Join Button to Attend
  • https://feastforthesoul.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/FFS-2024-Social-Covers-2-FB_IG-Option.png
  • Find out more about Stephanie by clicking the "2024 Faculty" button. Join for free by clicking the "Join" button. Times are listed in Pacific Time. Note the time converter above. Each session is recorded and uploaded to the Feast’s YouTube channel so if you miss the practice, you can watch it at your convenience. See the link above for access to our YouTube channel.
  • The Feast for the Soul is a 40-day worldwide spiritual practice immersion during which thousands of people of all ages, from a wide variety of spiritual and religious traditions, make a commitment to deepen their spiritual practice and expand their awareness. The Feast is observed each year on January 15th and concludes on February 23rd. It is now in its 17th year of helping people deepen their spiritual practice and create compassionate communities. The Feast is offered free of charge and is open to people everywhere. Each day a live guided meditation and conversation is offered at 11 am PT, 2 pm ET, 7 pm GMT, and 6 am the next day in Australia. Typically, the session runs for 40-minute session: 10 minutes of teaching/introducing the meditation, 20 minutes of practice, and a wrap up with Q & A for 10 minutes. Each session is recorded and uploaded to the Feast’s YouTube channel so if you miss the practice, you can watch it at your convenience. See the link above for access to our YouTube channel.
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  • Cynthia James offers a Meditation for Honoring Challenge as a Healing Modality
  • 2/17/2024-11:0
  • 2/17/2024-12:0
  • Virtual on Zoom - Click the Join Button to Attend
  • https://feastforthesoul.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/cynthia-james-sq-600x596-1.jpg
  • Honoring Challenge As Healing Modality; Calling In Your Vision; Learning to Pause. Find out more about Cynthia by clicking the "2024 Faculty" button. Join for free by clicking the "Join" button. Times are listed in Pacific Time. Note the time converter above. Each session is recorded and uploaded to the Feast’s YouTube channel so if you miss the practice, you can watch it at your convenience. See the link above for access to our YouTube channel.
  • The Feast for the Soul is a 40-day worldwide spiritual practice immersion during which thousands of people of all ages, from a wide variety of spiritual and religious traditions, make a commitment to deepen their spiritual practice and expand their awareness. The Feast is observed each year on January 15th and concludes on February 23rd. It is now in its 17th year of helping people deepen their spiritual practice and create compassionate communities. The Feast is offered free of charge and is open to people everywhere. Each day a live guided meditation and conversation is offered at 11 am PT, 2 pm ET, 7 pm GMT, and 6 am the next day in Australia. Typically, the session runs for 40-minute session: 10 minutes of teaching/introducing the meditation, 20 minutes of practice, and a wrap up with Q & A for 10 minutes. Each session is recorded and uploaded to the Feast’s YouTube channel so if you miss the practice, you can watch it at your convenience. See the link above for access to our YouTube channel.
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  • Zeffi Devi offers a Meditation for Spiritual Growth
  • 2/18/2024-11:0
  • 2/18/2024-12:0
  • Virtual on Zoom - Click the Join Button to Attend
  • https://feastforthesoul.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/123456-1.jpg
  • This is a meditation based on an ancient Tantric system of the chakras. It's an everyday ritual to cleanse and maintain healthy energy. Find out more about Zeffi by clicking the "2024 Faculty" button. Join for free by clicking the "Join" button. Times are listed in Pacific Time. Note the time converter above. Each session is recorded and uploaded to the Feast’s YouTube channel so if you miss the practice, you can watch it at your convenience. See the link above for access to our YouTube channel.
  • The Feast for the Soul is a 40-day worldwide spiritual practice immersion during which thousands of people of all ages, from a wide variety of spiritual and religious traditions, make a commitment to deepen their spiritual practice and expand their awareness. The Feast is observed each year on January 15th and concludes on February 23rd. It is now in its 17th year of helping people deepen their spiritual practice and create compassionate communities. The Feast is offered free of charge and is open to people everywhere. Each day a live guided meditation and conversation is offered at 11 am PT, 2 pm ET, 7 pm GMT, and 6 am the next day in Australia. Typically, the session runs for 40-minute session: 10 minutes of teaching/introducing the meditation, 20 minutes of practice, and a wrap up with Q & A for 10 minutes. Each session is recorded and uploaded to the Feast’s YouTube channel so if you miss the practice, you can watch it at your convenience. See the link above for access to our YouTube channel.
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  • Puria Kästele offers a Meditation for multidimensional growth
  • 2/19/2024-11:0
  • 2/19/2024-12:0
  • Virtual on Zoom - Click the Join Button to Attend
  • https://feastforthesoul.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/puria.png
  • Puria offers a meditation to help you realize and fully embody the reality of you being a multidimensional being. In this meditation you will be invited to relax and melt into your various dimensions and awaken future faculties of your being.Find out more about Puria by clicking the "2024 Faculty" button. Join for free by clicking the "Join" button. Times are listed in Pacific Time. Note the time converter above. Each session is recorded and uploaded to the Feast’s YouTube channel so if you miss the practice, you can watch it at your convenience. See the link above for access to our YouTube channel.
  • The Feast for the Soul is a 40-day worldwide spiritual practice immersion during which thousands of people of all ages, from a wide variety of spiritual and religious traditions, make a commitment to deepen their spiritual practice and expand their awareness. The Feast is observed each year on January 15th and concludes on February 23rd. It is now in its 17th year of helping people deepen their spiritual practice and create compassionate communities. The Feast is offered free of charge and is open to people everywhere. Each day a live guided meditation and conversation is offered at 11 am PT, 2 pm ET, 7 pm GMT, and 6 am the next day in Australia. Typically, the session runs for 40-minute session: 10 minutes of teaching/introducing the meditation, 20 minutes of practice, and a wrap up with Q & A for 10 minutes. Each session is recorded and uploaded to the Feast’s YouTube channel so if you miss the practice, you can watch it at your convenience. See the link above for access to our YouTube channel.
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  • Barry Goldstein offers Heart Song - a Breathing Process Meditation w Music
  • 2/21/2024-11:0
  • 2/21/2024-12:0
  • Virtual on Zoom - Click the Join Button to Attend
  • https://feastforthesoul.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/Barry-Goldstein-Alternative-headshot-edit--scaled.jpeg
  • Barry offers the Heart Song Breathing Process for Heart Coherence, Balance, Self Love and Nurturing. Find out more about Barry and his music by clicking the "2024 Faculty" button. Join for free by clicking the "Join" button. Times are listed in Pacific Time. Note the time converter above. Each session is recorded and uploaded to the Feast’s YouTube channel so if you miss the practice, you can watch it at your convenience. See the link above for access to our YouTube channel.
  • The Feast for the Soul is a 40-day worldwide spiritual practice immersion during which thousands of people of all ages, from a wide variety of spiritual and religious traditions, make a commitment to deepen their spiritual practice and expand their awareness. The Feast is observed each year on January 15th and concludes on February 23rd. It is now in its 17th year of helping people deepen their spiritual practice and create compassionate communities. The Feast is offered free of charge and is open to people everywhere. Each day a live guided meditation and conversation is offered at 11 am PT, 2 pm ET, 7 pm GMT, and 6 am the next day in Australia. Typically, the session runs for 40-minute session: 10 minutes of teaching/introducing the meditation, 20 minutes of practice, and a wrap up with Q & A for 10 minutes. Each session is recorded and uploaded to the Feast’s YouTube channel so if you miss the practice, you can watch it at your convenience. See the link above for access to our YouTube channel.
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  • Mary Walsh offers a Kirtan Kriya Meditation
  • 2/22/2024-11:0
  • 2/22/2024-12:0
  • Virtual on Zoom - Click the Join Button to Attend
  • https://feastforthesoul.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/Mary-Walsh-scaled.jpg
  • Mary Walsh offers a Kirtan Kriya Meditation - a healthy brain practice (to prevent Dementia & Alzheimers). Read about Mary by clicking the "2024 Faculty" button. Join for free by clicking the "Join" button. Times are listed in Pacific Time. Note the time converter above.
  • The Feast for the Soul is a 40-day worldwide spiritual practice immersion during which thousands of people of all ages, from a wide variety of spiritual and religious traditions, make a commitment to deepen their spiritual practice and expand their awareness. The Feast is observed each year on January 15th and concludes on February 23rd. It is now in its 17th year of helping people deepen their spiritual practice and create compassionate communities. The Feast is offered free of charge and is open to people everywhere. Each day a live guided meditation and conversation is offered at 11 am PT, 2 pm ET, 7 pm GMT, and 6 am the next day in Australia. Typically, the session runs for 40-minute session: 10 minutes of teaching/introducing the meditation, 20 minutes of practice, and a wrap up with Q & A for 10 minutes. Each session is recorded and uploaded to the Feast’s YouTube channel so if you miss the practice, you can watch it at your convenience. See the link above for access to our YouTube channel.
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  • Thriving Thursday Talks with Sue Cooper
  • 2/22/2024-12:0
  • 2/22/2024-13:0
  • Virtual on Zoom - Click the Join Button to Attend
  • https://feastforthesoul.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/Thriving-Thursday.png
  • Following today's meditation, at 12pm PT/ 3pm ET/ 8pm GMT join in the Thriving Thursday conversations with Sue Cooper. Click the Join button to attend, free of charge to attend an nspiring talk with dynamic practitioners who are actively empowering mind, body, spiritual practices to enhance wellbeing, individually and in communities.
  • The Feast for the Soul is a 40-day worldwide spiritual practice immersion during which thousands of people of all ages, from a wide variety of spiritual and religious traditions, make a commitment to deepen their spiritual practice and expand their awareness. The Feast is observed each year on January 15th and concludes on February 23rd. It is now in its 17th year of helping people deepen their spiritual practice and create compassionate communities. The Feast is offered free of charge and is open to people everywhere. Each day a live guided meditation and conversation is offered at 11 am PT, 2 pm ET, 7 pm GMT, and 6 am the next day in Australia. Typically, the session runs for 40-minute session: 10 minutes of teaching/introducing the meditation, 20 minutes of practice, and a wrap up with Q & A for 10 minutes. Each session is recorded and uploaded to the Feast’s YouTube channel so if you miss the practice, you can watch it at your convenience. See the link above for access to our YouTube channel.
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  • Mindful March - Daily Meditations with Sarah McLean & Shey Khandro
  • 3/1/2024-9:0
  • 3/31/2024-9:30
  • Virtual on Zoom - Click the Join Button to Attend
  • https://feastforthesoul.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/Zen-Sunday-yoga-and-meditation-practice.png
  • Mindful March: Daily Silent Meditations Inspired by Mystics With meditation teachers Sarah McLean & Shey Khandro Take another step on your journey of awakening with daily meditation sessions. Soulful meditation mentors Sarah McLean and Shey Khandro invite you to put aside a half-hour each day to recenter yourself, find peace, and tap into the beauty of your life. We’ll begin each session with a few moments of inspiration as we reflect on an ancient or modern mystic’s insightful poem, prayer, or passage. Then, we’ll dive into the silence with an 18-minute meditation. Held online at 9 am PT (12 noon ET, 5 pm UK), you can register for this virtual program free of charge
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  • Feast for the Soul Opening Ceremony
  • 1/15/2025-11:0
  • 1/15/2025-12:0
  • Virtual on Zoom - Click the Join Button to Attend
  • https://feastforthesoul.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/FFS-2024-Social-Covers-2-FB_IG-Option.png
  • Join the Feast for the Soul Directors & Friends for an opening ceremony for the Feast: 11 am PST, 7 pm GMT, Sydney: on Tuesday, Jan 16 at 6 am AEDTClick the join button to attend.
  • The Feast for the Soul is a 40-day worldwide spiritual practice immersion during which thousands of people of all ages, from a wide variety of spiritual and religious traditions, make a commitment to deepen their spiritual practice and expand their awareness. The Feast is observed each year on January 15th and concludes on February 23rd. It is now in its 17th year of helping people deepen their spiritual practice and create compassionate communities. The Feast is offered free of charge and is open to people everywhere. Frequently there will be a live guided meditation and conversation offered Typically, the session runs for 45-minute session: 10 minutes of teaching/introducing the meditation, 20 minutes of practice, and a wrap up with Q & A for 10 minutes. Check the calendar for the latest schedule of live events. Each session is recorded and uploaded to the Feast’s YouTube channel so if you miss the practice, you can watch it at your convenience. See the link above for access to our YouTube channel.
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  • Thriving Thursday with Sue Cooper: Humaning Well Together
  • 1/16/2025-9:0
  • 1/16/2025-10:0
  • Virtual on Zoom - Click the Join Button to Attend
  • https://feastforthesoul.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/1-e1673659185905.png
  • Thriving Thursday conversations with Sue Cooper. Thursday 16th Jan at 5pm GMT, 9am PT will discuss a 7 chakra meditation followed by the extended 12 chakra system explained by Dr Jude Currivan. A recorded conversation with Sue Cooper. Click the Join button to attend, free of charge to attend an inspiring talk with dynamic practitioners who are actively empowering mind, body, spiritual practices to enhance wellbeing, individually and in communities.
  • The Feast for the Soul is a 40-day worldwide spiritual practice immersion during which thousands of people of all ages, from a wide variety of spiritual and religious traditions, make a commitment to deepen their spiritual practice and expand their awareness. The Feast is observed each year on January 15th and concludes on February 23rd. It is now in its 18th year of helping people deepen their spiritual practice and create compassionate communities. The Feast is offered free of charge and is open to people everywhere.
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  • Friday Feast Friends
  • 1/17/2025-9:0
  • 1/17/2025-11:0
  • Virtual on Zoom - Click the Join Button to Register
  • https://feastforthesoul.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/2.jpg
  • Friday Feast Friends is an opportunity to meet fellow practitioners and to share your insights and experiences during the 40 Days of the Feast for the Soul. The purpose of this meeting is to create community and connections with our global online practitioners. We hope it will provide inspiration for you to maintain your commitment to your daily practice. You are invited to a Zoom meeting. 9 am PT/ 12 noon ET/ 5 pm GMTWhen: Jan 17, 2025 17:00 Dublin Register in advance for this meeting:https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/TGwNTaQ8Rhy8Xi5WSZn5Qg
  • The Feast for the Soul is a 40-day worldwide spiritual practice immersion during which thousands of people of all ages, from a wide variety of spiritual and religious traditions, make a commitment to deepen their spiritual practice and expand their awareness. The Feast is observed each year on January 15th and concludes on February 23rd. It is now in its 18th year of helping people deepen their spiritual practice and create compassionate communities. The Feast is offered free of charge and is open to people everywhere.
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  • Philip Goldberg – 4 Pathways to Awakening
  • 1/18/2025-10:0
  • 1/18/2025-11:30
  • Click the Join Button to Register to Attend
  • https://feastforthesoul.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/Phil-by-Dan-4-scaled.jpg
  • A Zen teacher once said, “Enlightenment is an accident. Meditation makes you accident prone.” We could paraphrase the statement and say: Spiritual awakenings tend to happen spontaneously; they can’t be planned, coerced, or ordered up like a takeout meal. Spiritual practice increases the likelihood of them occurring. Put another way, the winds of Grace are always blowing, but it helps immensely to set our sails properly. In this presentation, we’ll dive into a useful framework for understanding spiritual practices and making wise choices that support and accelerate our: the four paths of yoga — bhakti (heart/devotion), jnana (mind/discernment), karma (action/selfless service), raja (method-driven). Each of the pathways contain a variety of practices within them, and they are not mutually exclusive. People following any tradition, and no tradition, can benefit from understanding this framework. Brought to you by Spiritual Awakenings International.
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  • Sunday Mindful Meditation with Shey Khandro
  • 1/19/2025-9:0
  • 1/19/2025-10:0
  • Virtual on Zoom - Click the Join Button to Attend
  • https://feastforthesoul.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/Khandro_Headshot-2023.jpg
  • Embark on a transformative experience with Shey's guided meditation session. Enjoy a short teaching, a rejuvenating 20-minute guided meditation, and have your questions answered with an interactive Q&A. Cultivate resilience, connect with others, and embrace a more resilient you. Time: 5pm GMT | 9am PST | 12pm ESTFind out more about Shey in the Faculty Listing. Join for free by clicking the "Join" button. Times are listed in Pacific Time. Note the time converter above. Each session is recorded and uploaded to the Feast’s YouTube channel so if you miss the practice, you can watch it at your convenience. See the link above for access to our YouTube channel.
  • The Feast for the Soul is a 40-day worldwide spiritual practice immersion during which thousands of people of all ages, from a wide variety of spiritual and religious traditions, make a commitment to deepen their spiritual practice and expand their awareness. The Feast is observed each year on January 15th and concludes on February 23rd. It is now in its 18th year of helping people deepen their spiritual practice and create compassionate communities. The Feast is offered free of charge and is open to people everywhere. Typically, each session runs for 40-minute session: 10 minutes of teaching/introducing the meditation, 20 minutes of practice, and a wrap up with Q & A for 10 minutes. Each session is recorded and uploaded to the Feast’s YouTube channel so if you miss the practice, you can watch it at your convenience. Use the button above for access to the Feast's YouTube channel.
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  • Meditations based on Kabbalistic Teachings with Melinda Ribner
  • 1/19/2025-10:0
  • 1/19/2025-11:0
  • Virtual on Zoom - Click the Join Button to Sign Up
  • https://feastforthesoul.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/Melinda-Ribner.jpg
  • Experience a guided meditation with Melinda Ribner, utilizing the Jewish Kabbalistic framework and breathing techniques to help you access and experience your soul and creator. She offers two free meditations weekly. Tuesdays at 2 pm PT/5 pm EST & Sundays 10 am PT/1 pm EST/ 6 pm GMT. In just 30 minutes you will experience an energetic shift. At the very least, you will access greater calm within yourself, but it is likely that you will receive so much more. Meditations are tailored to the needs of participants in the context of accessing the unique spiritual opportunity of each Hebrew month as highlighted in my newest book Living in the Divine Flow. This month of Tevet offers us a unique opportunity for spiritual transformation to heal anger and jealousy, that are ways we block the Divine flow of blessing in our lives. There is a great light in Tevet available to us for the greatest light is hidden in challenge. www.Melindaribner.com.Meeting ID: 561 496 7950Passcode: 5LEJ2VFind out more about Melinda by clicking the "Faculty" button. Join for free by clicking the "Join" button. Times are listed in Pacific Time. Note the time converter above. Each session is recorded and uploaded to the Feast’s YouTube channel so if you miss the practice, you can watch it at your convenience. See the link above for access to our YouTube channel.
  • The Feast for the Soul is a 40-day worldwide spiritual practice immersion during which thousands of people of all ages, from a wide variety of spiritual and religious traditions, make a commitment to deepen their spiritual practice and expand their awareness. The Feast is observed each year on January 15th and concludes on February 23rd. It is now in its 18th year of helping people deepen their spiritual practice and create compassionate communities. The Feast is offered free of charge and is open to people everywhere. Typically, the session runs for 40-minute session: 10 minutes of teaching/introducing the meditation, 20 minutes of practice, and a wrap up with Q & A for 10 minutes. Each session is recorded and uploaded to the Feast’s YouTube channel so if you miss the practice, you can watch it at your convenience. See the link above for access to our YouTube channel.
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  • Swellheart Mondays with Lauri Kriva
  • 1/20/2025-9:0
  • 1/20/2025-10:0
  • Virtual on Zoom - Click the Join Button to Attend
  • https://feastforthesoul.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/lauri-kriva.jpg
  • Swellheart Mondays with Lauri Kriva Join Lauri for a weekly meditation and community via Zoom. Meditations typically feature a short introduction followed by a 20-25 minute guided or silent meditation and group reflection/conversation. All levels of experience are welcome! Time: 5pm GMT | 9am PST | 12pm ESTLauri is a CTI life coach, a certified MMI instructor and a certified Dr. Sears health coach. She helps heart-centered people cultivate a life that reflects the truest expression of who they are. Read more about Lauri by clicking the "Faculty" button. Join for free by clicking the "Join" button. Times are listed in Pacific Time. Note the time converter above.
  • The Feast for the Soul is a 40-day worldwide spiritual practice immersion during which thousands of people of all ages, from a wide variety of spiritual and religious traditions, make a commitment to deepen their spiritual practice and expand their awareness. The Feast is observed each year on January 15th and concludes on February 23rd. It is now in its 18th year of helping people deepen their spiritual practice and create compassionate communities. The Feast is offered free of charge and is open to people everywhere. Typically, the session runs for 40-minute session: 10 minutes of teaching/introducing the meditation, 20 minutes of practice, and a wrap up with Q & A for 10 minutes. Each session is recorded and uploaded to the Feast’s YouTube channel so if you miss the practice, you can watch it at your convenience. See the link above for access to our YouTube channel.
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  • Mindful Mondays with Suzi von Mensenkampff
  • 1/20/2025-9:0
  • 1/20/2025-10:0
  • Click the Join Button to Register to Attend
  • https://feastforthesoul.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/suzi-e1646082377570.jpg
  • Join Suzi von for Mindful Mondays. Time: 5pm GMT | 9am PST | 12pm ESTEvery week friends from around the world who love to meditate meet up for a live practice session (20/30 mins.) This group are committed to expanding their awareness using the ancient wisdom tools of Yoga, Meditation and Ayurveda. Together we strive to live mindfully in each moment as conscious co-creators to make the world a little lighter and brighter. Experience guided meditations, practice with mantras, mudras, sutras, and music. After the meditation we have a short chat, answering questions, sharing insights and we check in to see how everyone is doing. Some people like to share their "Aha" moments while others simply come to practice and leave at the end.No experience necessary | All are welcome | Free subscription Sign up for free by clicking the "Join" button. Times are listed in Pacific Time. Note the time converter above.
  • The Feast for the Soul is a 40-day worldwide spiritual practice immersion during which thousands of people of all ages, from a wide variety of spiritual and religious traditions, make a commitment to deepen their spiritual practice and expand their awareness. The Feast is observed each year on January 15th and concludes on February 23rd. It is now in its 18th year of helping people deepen their spiritual practice and create compassionate communities. The Feast is offered free of charge and is open to people everywhere. Frequently there will be a live guided meditation and conversation offered Typically, the session runs for 45-minute session: 10 minutes of teaching/introducing the meditation, 20 minutes of practice, and a wrap up with Q & A for 10 minutes. Check the calendar for the latest schedule of live events. Each session is recorded and uploaded to the Feast’s YouTube channel so if you miss the practice, you can watch it at your convenience. See the link above for access to our YouTube channel.
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  • Meditations based on Kabbalistic Teachings with Melinda Ribner
  • 1/21/2025-14:0
  • 1/21/2025-15:0
  • Virtual on Zoom - Click the Join Button to Sign Up
  • https://feastforthesoul.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/Melinda-Ribner.jpg
  • Experience a guided meditation with Melinda Ribner, utilizing the Jewish Kabbalistic framework and breathing techniques to help you access and experience your soul and creator. She offers two free meditations weekly. Tuesdays at 2 pm PT/5 pm EST/ 10 pm GMT & Sundays 10 am PT/1 pm EST/ 6 pm GMT. In just 30 minutes you will experience an energetic shift. At the very least, you will access greater calm within yourself, but it is likely that you will receive so much more. Meditations are tailored to the needs of participants in the context of accessing the unique spiritual opportunity of each Hebrew month as highlighted in my newest book Living in the Divine Flow. This month of Tevet offers us a unique opportunity for spiritual transformation to heal anger and jealousy, that are ways we block the Divine flow of blessing in our lives. There is a great light in Tevet available to us for the greatest light is hidden in challenge. www.Melindaribner.com.Meeting ID: 561 496 7950Passcode: 5LEJ2VFind out more about Melinda by clicking the "Faculty" button. Join for free by clicking the "Join" button. Times are listed in Pacific Time. Note the time converter above. Each session is recorded and uploaded to the Feast’s YouTube channel so if you miss the practice, you can watch it at your convenience. See the link above for access to our YouTube channel.
  • The Feast for the Soul is a 40-day worldwide spiritual practice immersion during which thousands of people of all ages, from a wide variety of spiritual and religious traditions, make a commitment to deepen their spiritual practice and expand their awareness. The Feast is observed each year on January 15th and concludes on February 23rd. It is now in its 18th year of helping people deepen their spiritual practice and create compassionate communities. The Feast is offered free of charge and is open to people everywhere. Typically, the session runs for 40-minute session: 10 minutes of teaching/introducing the meditation, 20 minutes of practice, and a wrap up with Q & A for 10 minutes. Each session is recorded and uploaded to the Feast’s YouTube channel so if you miss the practice, you can watch it at your convenience. See the link above for access to our YouTube channel.
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  • Awaken Wednesday with Sarah McLean
  • 1/22/2025-11:0
  • 1/22/2025-12:0
  • Virtual on Zoom - Click the Join Button to Attend
  • https://feastforthesoul.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/Sarah_McLean-5-scaled.jpg
  • Awaken Wednesday with Sarah McLean. Experience Peace and Connection. Be guided into a meditation for serenity and self-discovery with Sarah McLean, co-director of the Feast for the Soul. Pause, connect, and immerse yourself in a deeply relaxing, natural experience of restful awareness. Gain insights into a practice you can easily use on your own and no prior experience or effort is requiredWednesdays at 11:00 am PT | 2:00 pm ET | 7:00 pm GMTWhere: Zoom (click Join to access the session)Cost: Completely freeDiscover simple practices to rewire your brain for happiness and well-beingLearn the Five Essentials for meditation successConnect with a global community of like-hearted individualsEnjoy uplifting conversations and guidance from a renowned meditation teacherEach session is recorded and uploaded to the Feast’s YouTube channel so you can revisit or catch up anytime.(Times listed are in Pacific Time. Use the time converter above for your location.)
  • The Feast for the Soul is a 40-day worldwide spiritual practice immersion during which thousands of people of all ages, from a wide variety of spiritual and religious traditions, make a commitment to deepen their spiritual practice and expand their awareness. The Feast is observed each year on January 15th and concludes on February 23rd. It is now in its 18th year of helping people deepen their spiritual practice and create compassionate communities. The Feast is offered free of charge and is open to people everywhere. Live guided meditations and conversations are regularly scheduled. Typically, the session runs for 40-minute session: 10 minutes of teaching/introducing the meditation, 20 minutes of practice, and a wrap up with Q & A for 10 minutes. Each session is recorded and uploaded to the Feast’s YouTube channel so if you miss the practice, you can watch it at your convenience. See the link above for access to our YouTube channel.
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  • Thriving Thursday with Sue Cooper: Humaning Well Together
  • 1/23/2025-9:0
  • 1/23/2025-10:0
  • Virtual on Zoom - Click the Join Button to Attend
  • https://feastforthesoul.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/1-e1673659185905.png
  • Thriving Thursday conversations with Sue Cooper. A meditation to open the Heart space followed by a recorded presentation on the digital mirror. AI’s prompt for humanity with John Mack, Life Calling. Time: 5pm GMT | 9am PST | 12pm ESTClick the Join button to attend, free of charge to attend an inspiring talk with dynamic practitioners who are actively empowering mind, body, spiritual practices to enhance wellbeing, individually and in communities.
  • The Feast for the Soul is a 40-day worldwide spiritual practice immersion during which thousands of people of all ages, from a wide variety of spiritual and religious traditions, make a commitment to deepen their spiritual practice and expand their awareness. The Feast is observed each year on January 15th and concludes on February 23rd. It is now in its 18th year of helping people deepen their spiritual practice and create compassionate communities. The Feast is offered free of charge and is open to people everywhere.
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  • Friday Feast Friends
  • 1/24/2025-9:0
  • 1/24/2025-11:0
  • Virtual on Zoom - Click the Join Button to Register
  • https://feastforthesoul.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/2.jpg
  • Friday Feast Friends is an opportunity to meet fellow practitioners and to share your insights and experiences during the 40 Days of the Feast for the Soul. The purpose of this meeting is to create community and connections with our global online practitioners. We hope it will provide inspiration for you to maintain your commitment to your daily practice. You are invited to a Zoom meeting. 9 am PT/ 12 noon ET/ 5 pm GMTRegister in advance for this meeting:https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/TGwNTaQ8Rhy8Xi5WSZn5Qg
  • The Feast for the Soul is a 40-day worldwide spiritual practice immersion during which thousands of people of all ages, from a wide variety of spiritual and religious traditions, make a commitment to deepen their spiritual practice and expand their awareness. The Feast is observed each year on January 15th and concludes on February 23rd. It is now in its 18th year of helping people deepen their spiritual practice and create compassionate communities. The Feast is offered free of charge and is open to people everywhere.
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  • Sunday Mindful Meditation with Shey Khandro
  • 1/26/2025-9:0
  • 1/26/2025-10:0
  • Virtual on Zoom - Click the Join Button to Attend
  • https://feastforthesoul.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/Khandro_Headshot-2023.jpg
  • Embark on a transformative experience with Shey's guided meditation session. Enjoy a short teaching, a rejuvenating 20-minute guided meditation, and have your questions answered with an interactive Q&A. Cultivate resilience, connect with others, and embrace a more resilient you. Find out more about Shey in the Faculty Listing. Join for free by clicking the "Join" button. Times are listed in Pacific Time. Note the time converter above. Each session is recorded and uploaded to the Feast’s YouTube channel so if you miss the practice, you can watch it at your convenience. See the link above for access to our YouTube channel.
  • The Feast for the Soul is a 40-day worldwide spiritual practice immersion during which thousands of people of all ages, from a wide variety of spiritual and religious traditions, make a commitment to deepen their spiritual practice and expand their awareness. The Feast is observed each year on January 15th and concludes on February 23rd. It is now in its 18th year of helping people deepen their spiritual practice and create compassionate communities. The Feast is offered free of charge and is open to people everywhere. Typically, each session runs for 40-minute session: 10 minutes of teaching/introducing the meditation, 20 minutes of practice, and a wrap up with Q & A for 10 minutes. Each session is recorded and uploaded to the Feast’s YouTube channel so if you miss the practice, you can watch it at your convenience. Use the button above for access to the Feast's YouTube channel.
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  • Meditations based on Kabbalistic Teachings with Melinda Ribner
  • 1/26/2025-10:0
  • 1/26/2025-11:0
  • Virtual on Zoom - Click the Join Button to Sign Up
  • https://feastforthesoul.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/Melinda-Ribner.jpg
  • Experience a guided meditation with Melinda Ribner, utilizing the Jewish Kabbalistic framework and breathing techniques to help you access and experience your soul and creator. She offers two free meditations weekly. Tuesdays at 2 pm PT/5 pm EST & Sundays 10 am PT/1 pm EST/ 6 pm GMT. In just 30 minutes you will experience an energetic shift. At the very least, you will access greater calm within yourself, but it is likely that you will receive so much more. Meditations are tailored to the needs of participants in the context of accessing the unique spiritual opportunity of each Hebrew month as highlighted in my newest book Living in the Divine Flow. This month of Tevet offers us a unique opportunity for spiritual transformation to heal anger and jealousy, that are ways we block the Divine flow of blessing in our lives. There is a great light in Tevet available to us for the greatest light is hidden in challenge. www.Melindaribner.com.Meeting ID: 561 496 7950Passcode: 5LEJ2VFind out more about Melinda by clicking the "Faculty" button. Join for free by clicking the "Join" button. Times are listed in Pacific Time. Note the time converter above. Each session is recorded and uploaded to the Feast’s YouTube channel so if you miss the practice, you can watch it at your convenience. See the link above for access to our YouTube channel.
  • The Feast for the Soul is a 40-day worldwide spiritual practice immersion during which thousands of people of all ages, from a wide variety of spiritual and religious traditions, make a commitment to deepen their spiritual practice and expand their awareness. The Feast is observed each year on January 15th and concludes on February 23rd. It is now in its 18th year of helping people deepen their spiritual practice and create compassionate communities. The Feast is offered free of charge and is open to people everywhere. Typically, the session runs for 40-minute session: 10 minutes of teaching/introducing the meditation, 20 minutes of practice, and a wrap up with Q & A for 10 minutes. Each session is recorded and uploaded to the Feast’s YouTube channel so if you miss the practice, you can watch it at your convenience. See the link above for access to our YouTube channel.
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  • Mindful Mondays with Suzi von Mensenkampff
  • 1/27/2025-9:0
  • 1/27/2025-10:0
  • Click the Join Button to Register to Attend
  • https://feastforthesoul.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/suzi-e1646082377570.jpg
  • Join Suzi von for Mindful Mondays. Time: 5pm GMT | 9am PST | 12pm ESTEvery week friends from around the world who love to meditate meet up for a live practice session (20/30 mins.) This group are committed to expanding their awareness using the ancient wisdom tools of Yoga, Meditation and Ayurveda. Together we strive to live mindfully in each moment as conscious co-creators to make the world a little lighter and brighter. Experience guided meditations, practice with mantras, mudras, sutras, and music. After the meditation we have a short chat, answering questions, sharing insights and we check in to see how everyone is doing. Some people like to share their "Aha" moments while others simply come to practice and leave at the end.No experience necessary | All are welcome | Free subscription Sign up for free by clicking the "Join" button. Times are listed in Pacific Time. Note the time converter above.
  • The Feast for the Soul is a 40-day worldwide spiritual practice immersion during which thousands of people of all ages, from a wide variety of spiritual and religious traditions, make a commitment to deepen their spiritual practice and expand their awareness. The Feast is observed each year on January 15th and concludes on February 23rd. It is now in its 18th year of helping people deepen their spiritual practice and create compassionate communities. The Feast is offered free of charge and is open to people everywhere. Frequently there will be a live guided meditation and conversation offered Typically, the session runs for 45-minute session: 10 minutes of teaching/introducing the meditation, 20 minutes of practice, and a wrap up with Q & A for 10 minutes. Check the calendar for the latest schedule of live events. Each session is recorded and uploaded to the Feast’s YouTube channel so if you miss the practice, you can watch it at your convenience. See the link above for access to our YouTube channel.
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  • Meditations based on Kabbalistic Teachings with Melinda Ribner
  • 1/28/2025-14:0
  • 1/28/2025-15:0
  • Virtual on Zoom - Click the Join Button to Sign Up
  • https://feastforthesoul.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/Melinda-Ribner.jpg
  • Experience a guided meditation with Melinda Ribner, utilizing the Jewish Kabbalistic framework and breathing techniques to help you access and experience your soul and creator. She offers two free meditations weekly. Tuesdays at 2 pm PT/5 pm EST & Sundays 10 am PT/1 pm EST/ 6 pm GMT. In just 30 minutes you will experience an energetic shift. At the very least, you will access greater calm within yourself, but it is likely that you will receive so much more. Meditations are tailored to the needs of participants in the context of accessing the unique spiritual opportunity of each Hebrew month as highlighted in my newest book Living in the Divine Flow. This month of Tevet offers us a unique opportunity for spiritual transformation to heal anger and jealousy, that are ways we block the Divine flow of blessing in our lives. There is a great light in Tevet available to us for the greatest light is hidden in challenge. www.Melindaribner.com.Meeting ID: 561 496 7950Passcode: 5LEJ2VFind out more about Melinda by clicking the "Faculty" button. Join for free by clicking the "Join" button. Times are listed in Pacific Time. Note the time converter above. Each session is recorded and uploaded to the Feast’s YouTube channel so if you miss the practice, you can watch it at your convenience. See the link above for access to our YouTube channel.
  • The Feast for the Soul is a 40-day worldwide spiritual practice immersion during which thousands of people of all ages, from a wide variety of spiritual and religious traditions, make a commitment to deepen their spiritual practice and expand their awareness. The Feast is observed each year on January 15th and concludes on February 23rd. It is now in its 18th year of helping people deepen their spiritual practice and create compassionate communities. The Feast is offered free of charge and is open to people everywhere. Typically, the session runs for 40-minute session: 10 minutes of teaching/introducing the meditation, 20 minutes of practice, and a wrap up with Q & A for 10 minutes. Each session is recorded and uploaded to the Feast’s YouTube channel so if you miss the practice, you can watch it at your convenience. See the link above for access to our YouTube channel.
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  • Starting Over Meditation with Terry Breeze, D.C.
  • 1/28/2025-12:0
  • 1/28/2025-13:0
  • Virtual on Zoom - Click the Join Button to Attend
  • https://feastforthesoul.org/wp-content/uploads/2025/01/Terry-Breeze.jpg
  • Join Terry Breeze, a British Chiropractor based in Chesham, who has a special gift of guiding people into the deepest meditations. Terry has worked with many meditation teachers and guides as a personal coach and therapist to take them on a journey into the depths of their being to address personal trauma and find freedom. Join Terry for a meditation to gain a fresh perspective on your life. 12 pm PT/3 pm ET/ 8 pm GMT
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  • New Moon Meditation with Anne Sussman
  • 1/29/2025-9:0
  • 1/29/2025-10:0
  • Virtual on Zoom - Click the Join Button to Attend
  • https://feastforthesoul.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/Anne-Sussman-Field-of-Love-scaled.jpg
  • Anne Sussman guides a new moon meditation. Join for free by clicking the "Join" button. Times are listed in Pacific Time. Note the time converter above. Each session is recorded and uploaded to the Feast’s YouTube channel so if you miss the practice, you can watch it at your convenience. See the link above for access to our YouTube channel. Time: 5pm GMT | 9am PST | 12pm EST
  • The Feast for the Soul is a 40-day worldwide spiritual practice immersion during which thousands of people of all ages, from a wide variety of spiritual and religious traditions, make a commitment to deepen their spiritual practice and expand their awareness. The Feast is observed each year on January 15th and concludes on February 23rd. It is now in its 18th year of helping people deepen their spiritual practice and create compassionate communities. The Feast is offered free of charge and is open to people everywhere. Typically, the session runs for 40-minute session: 10 minutes of teaching/introducing the meditation, 20 minutes of practice, and a wrap up with Q & A for 10 minutes. Each session is recorded and uploaded to the Feast’s YouTube channel so if you miss the practice, you can watch it at your convenience. See the link above for access to our YouTube channel.
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  • Awaken Wednesday with Sarah McLean
  • 1/29/2025-11:0
  • 1/29/2025-12:0
  • Virtual on Zoom - Click the Join Button to Attend
  • https://feastforthesoul.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/Sarah_McLean-5-scaled.jpg
  • Awaken Wednesday with Sarah McLean. Experience Peace and Connection. Be guided into a meditation for serenity and self-discovery with Sarah McLean, co-director of the Feast for the Soul. Pause, connect, and immerse yourself in a deeply relaxing, natural experience of restful awareness. Gain insights into a practice you can easily use on your own and no prior experience or effort is requiredWednesdays at 11:00 am PT | 2:00 pm ET | 7:00 pm GMTWhere: Zoom (click Join to access the session)Cost: Completely freeDiscover simple practices to rewire your brain for happiness and well-beingLearn the Five Essentials for meditation successConnect with a global community of like-hearted individualsEnjoy uplifting conversations and guidance from a renowned meditation teacherEach session is recorded and uploaded to the Feast’s YouTube channel so you can revisit or catch up anytime.(Times listed are in Pacific Time. Use the time converter above for your location.)
  • The Feast for the Soul is a 40-day worldwide spiritual practice immersion during which thousands of people of all ages, from a wide variety of spiritual and religious traditions, make a commitment to deepen their spiritual practice and expand their awareness. The Feast is observed each year on January 15th and concludes on February 23rd. It is now in its 18th year of helping people deepen their spiritual practice and create compassionate communities. The Feast is offered free of charge and is open to people everywhere. Live guided meditations and conversations are regularly scheduled. Typically, the session runs for 40-minute session: 10 minutes of teaching/introducing the meditation, 20 minutes of practice, and a wrap up with Q & A for 10 minutes. Each session is recorded and uploaded to the Feast’s YouTube channel so if you miss the practice, you can watch it at your convenience. See the link above for access to our YouTube channel.
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  • Meditation Through the Dharmic Wheel with Christelle Chopard
  • 1/30/2025-6:0
  • 1/30/2025-7:0
  • Virtual on Zoom - Click the Join Button to Attend
  • https://feastforthesoul.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/Christelle-Chopard-scaled.jpeg
  • Christelle Chopard offers a guided Meditation through the dharmic wheel - to facilitate your balance through life transitions. The dharmic wheel facilitates the liberation of stress response mechanism to lead you to your natural path of dharma. A 20-minutes guided meditation with 5 minutes introduction prior to the experience, and some time for q/a after the meditation. Held at 6 am PT/ 9 am ET/ 2 pm GMT.Christelle Chopard initiated her career as holistic therapist and health coach in 1992. She has been leading seminars and dharmic experiences worldwide. With more than 30 years of experience in yoga, meditation and coaching she continues to support the wellbeing of the people with compassion and clarity. www.dharmi.comwww.christellechopard.ch Find out more about Christelle by clicking the "Faculty" button. Join for free by clicking the "Join" button. Times are listed in Pacific Time. Note the time converter above. Each session is recorded and uploaded to the Feast’s YouTube channel so if you miss the practice, you can watch it at your convenience. See the link above for access to our YouTube channel.
  • The Feast for the Soul is a 40-day worldwide spiritual practice immersion during which thousands of people of all ages, from a wide variety of spiritual and religious traditions, make a commitment to deepen their spiritual practice and expand their awareness. The Feast is observed each year on January 15th and concludes on February 23rd. It is now in its 18th year of helping people deepen their spiritual practice and create compassionate communities. The Feast is offered free of charge and is open to people everywhere. Typically, the session runs for 40-minute session: 10 minutes of teaching/introducing the meditation, 20 minutes of practice, and a wrap up with Q & A for 10 minutes. Most sessions are recorded and uploaded to the Feast’s YouTube channel so if you miss the practice, you can watch it at your convenience. See the link above for access to our YouTube channel.
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  • Friday Feast Friends
  • 1/31/2025-9:0
  • 1/31/2025-11:0
  • Virtual on Zoom - Click the Join Button to Register
  • https://feastforthesoul.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/2.jpg
  • Friday Feast Friends is an opportunity to meet fellow practitioners and to share your insights and experiences during the 40 Days of the Feast for the Soul. The purpose of this meeting is to create community and connections with our global online practitioners. We hope it will provide inspiration for you to maintain your commitment to your daily practice. You are invited to a Zoom meeting. 9 am PT/ 12 noon ET/ 5 pm GMTRegister in advance for this meeting:https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/TGwNTaQ8Rhy8Xi5WSZn5Qg
  • The Feast for the Soul is a 40-day worldwide spiritual practice immersion during which thousands of people of all ages, from a wide variety of spiritual and religious traditions, make a commitment to deepen their spiritual practice and expand their awareness. The Feast is observed each year on January 15th and concludes on February 23rd. It is now in its 18th year of helping people deepen their spiritual practice and create compassionate communities. The Feast is offered free of charge and is open to people everywhere.
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  • Intention Experiment with Lynne Taggart
  • 2/1/2025-10:0
  • 2/1/2025-11:0
  • Sign up to Attend Free
  • Lynne McTaggart is leading an intention experiment and targeting a city of high violence of great relevance to everyone (I’ll reveal the target just before we start – to make sure no one thinks about the target ahead of time and skews our results). This time, four scientists will be working with me to measure results, not only on the target city, but also on the participants themselves. We’ll be measuring: 1. Violence reduction in our target city Jessica Utts, Professor of Statistics at University of California Irvine, will examine violent crime rates in the selected city before and after the event, just as she did with our St. Louis experiment and Sri Lanka experiments, to see if there is any correlation between our intentions and a lowering of crime. 2. Immune system responses in participants Noted Russian quantum physicist Dr. Konstantin Korotkov and his colleague Nima Farshid will measure aspects of the immune systems of 30 select audience participants before and after the event, to assess any physiological changes after the experiment. 3. Emotional shifts in the live audience Korotkov and Farshid will also use sensitive equipment to measure emotional changes in the live audience inside the GaiaSphere auditorium to track shifts in collective energy. 4. Whether intention can entrain random electronic devices Dr. Gary Schwartz, Professor Emeritus of Medicine and Psychology at the University of Arizona, will measure whether volunteers in his laboratory taking part in our experiment have a major influence on two electronic random generators, so that their output begins to run in parallel. The livestream will last approximately one hour. For the following four days (February 2-5) thereafter, we’ll run a short intention of me leading the experiment for 10 - 15 minutes at the same time listed. You can tune in at the same time listed above on Sunday through Friday for 15 minutes each day to continue to take part in the experiment and enjoy the benefits. You may experience improved health and improved relationships. A large percentage of participants who’ve helped heal a specific area or individual in previous Intention Experiments have also experienced healing in their own lives — what I call the Mirror Effect. In surveys, more than a third of participants report improvements in physical or medical conditions. • 40 % of those who take part in Intention Experiments experience healed relationships, including with estranged family members, enemies or even people with different political beliefs. • Half of those who take part say they feel more love for everyone they come in contact with • Many participants also find great purpose in their lives. As one wrote in: ‘I had PROFOUND life changes. Relationships that I thought were destroyed were revived and flourished. I am closer than ever before to my youngest. Everything I visualized about relationships manifested and continues to do so.’ If you’d like to join this FREE historic event and experience the Mirror Effect for yourself, you’ll need to sign up for the experiment itself to participate (even if you’ve already signed up for the Gaia documentary previously).
  • About Gaia: https://www.gaia.com/Gaia is a global conscious community that offers over 8,000 titles to members online through the Gaia app and internet-connected devices — featuring original series, instructional videos, and documentaries on yoga, meditation, spiritual growth, personal transformation, alternative history, and the unexplained.
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  • Meditations based on Kabbalistic Teachings with Melinda Ribner
  • 2/2/2025-10:0
  • 2/2/2025-11:0
  • Virtual on Zoom - Click the Join Button to Sign Up
  • https://feastforthesoul.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/Melinda-Ribner.jpg
  • Experience a guided meditation with Melinda Ribner, utilizing the Jewish Kabbalistic framework and breathing techniques to help you access and experience your soul and creator. She offers two free meditations weekly. Tuesdays at 2 pm PT/5 pm EST & Sundays 10 am PT/1 pm EST/ 6 pm GMT. In just 30 minutes you will experience an energetic shift. At the very least, you will access greater calm within yourself, but it is likely that you will receive so much more. Meditations are tailored to the needs of participants in the context of accessing the unique spiritual opportunity of each Hebrew month as highlighted in my newest book Living in the Divine Flow. This month of Tevet offers us a unique opportunity for spiritual transformation to heal anger and jealousy, that are ways we block the Divine flow of blessing in our lives. There is a great light in Tevet available to us for the greatest light is hidden in challenge. www.Melindaribner.com.Meeting ID: 561 496 7950Passcode: 5LEJ2VFind out more about Melinda by clicking the "Faculty" button. Join for free by clicking the "Join" button. Times are listed in Pacific Time. Note the time converter above. Each session is recorded and uploaded to the Feast’s YouTube channel so if you miss the practice, you can watch it at your convenience. See the link above for access to our YouTube channel.
  • The Feast for the Soul is a 40-day worldwide spiritual practice immersion during which thousands of people of all ages, from a wide variety of spiritual and religious traditions, make a commitment to deepen their spiritual practice and expand their awareness. The Feast is observed each year on January 15th and concludes on February 23rd. It is now in its 18th year of helping people deepen their spiritual practice and create compassionate communities. The Feast is offered free of charge and is open to people everywhere. Typically, the session runs for 40-minute session: 10 minutes of teaching/introducing the meditation, 20 minutes of practice, and a wrap up with Q & A for 10 minutes. Each session is recorded and uploaded to the Feast’s YouTube channel so if you miss the practice, you can watch it at your convenience. See the link above for access to our YouTube channel.
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  • First Sunday Meditation with Sarah McLean
  • 2/2/2025-9:0
  • 2/2/2025-10:0
  • Virtual on Zoom - Click the Join Button to Register
  • https://feastforthesoul.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/Sarah-McLean_Photo_Credit_Suzette-Hibble-scaled.jpg
  • Time: 5pm GMT | 9am PST | 12pm EST Join co-director of the Feast, Sarah McLean, for today's meditation practice. Find out more mantras and how they offer the opportunity for transcendence. Be guided into a silent mantra practice to dive into the field of love. This is a natural form of mantra meditation. No skill, experience, effort, or control is required. In fact, they're counter-productive. Immediate benefits include deep relaxation, mental clarity, and inner peace. Importantly, they will leave knowing how to use the practice on their own. Find out more about Sarah by clicking the "Faculty" button. Join for free by clicking the "Join" button. Times are listed in Pacific Time. Note the time converter above. Each session is recorded and uploaded to the Feast’s YouTube channel so if you miss the practice, you can watch it at your convenience. See the link above for access to our YouTube channel. Register for event with the Book Now link!
  • The Feast for the Soul is a 40-day worldwide spiritual practice immersion during which thousands of people of all ages, from a wide variety of spiritual and religious traditions, make a commitment to deepen their spiritual practice and expand their awareness. The Feast is observed each year on January 15th and concludes on February 23rd. It is now in its 18th year of helping people deepen their spiritual practice and create compassionate communities. The Feast is offered free of charge and is open to people everywhere. Typically, the session runs for 40-minute session: 10 minutes of teaching/introducing the meditation, 20 minutes of practice, and a wrap up with Q & A for 10 minutes. Each session is recorded and uploaded to the Feast’s YouTube channel so if you miss the practice, you can watch it at your convenience. See the link above for access to our YouTube channel.
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  • Swellheart Mondays with Lauri Kriva
  • 2/3/2025-9:0
  • 2/3/2025-10:0
  • Virtual on Zoom - Click the Join Button to Attend
  • https://feastforthesoul.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/lauri-kriva.jpg
  • Swellheart Mondays with Lauri Kriva Join Lauri for a weekly meditation and community via Zoom. Meditations typically feature a short introduction followed by a 20-25 minute guided or silent meditation and group reflection/conversation. All levels of experience are welcome! Time: 5pm GMT | 9am PST | 12pm ESTLauri is a CTI life coach, a certified MMI instructor and a certified Dr. Sears health coach. She helps heart-centered people cultivate a life that reflects the truest expression of who they are. Lauri grew up playing school and office in her grandparents’ basement and hasn’t stopped learning (or organizing) since. Her experiences abroad, academic accomplishments and professional growth satisfied her love of learning for a time, but the deeper she delved into corporate life, the more she longed to explore new directions with her heart as her guide. Oh the places it led! Like coaching. And acting. And writing. And motherhood – the most beautiful of right turns that allowed her to rewrite aspects of her own childhood, heal, and befriend herself in the process. Lauri lives in Santa Barbara, California with her head in the clouds, her feet on the ground and her heart wide open. Most weekends she can be found on a golf course with her family or online at www.swellheart.com.Read more about Lauri by clicking the "Faculty" button. Join for free by clicking the "Join" button. Times are listed in Pacific Time. Note the time converter above.
  • The Feast for the Soul is a 40-day worldwide spiritual practice immersion during which thousands of people of all ages, from a wide variety of spiritual and religious traditions, make a commitment to deepen their spiritual practice and expand their awareness. The Feast is observed each year on January 15th and concludes on February 23rd. It is now in its 18th year of helping people deepen their spiritual practice and create compassionate communities. The Feast is offered free of charge and is open to people everywhere. Typically, the session runs for 40-minute session: 10 minutes of teaching/introducing the meditation, 20 minutes of practice, and a wrap up with Q & A for 10 minutes. Each session is recorded and uploaded to the Feast’s YouTube channel so if you miss the practice, you can watch it at your convenience. See the link above for access to our YouTube channel.
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  • Mindful Mondays with Suzi von Mensenkampff
  • 2/3/2025-9:0
  • 2/3/2025-10:0
  • Click the Join Button to Register to Attend
  • https://feastforthesoul.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/suzi-e1646082377570.jpg
  • Join Suzi von for Mindful Mondays. Time: 5pm GMT | 9am PST | 12pm ESTEvery week friends from around the world who love to meditate meet up for a live practice session (20/30 mins.) This group are committed to expanding their awareness using the ancient wisdom tools of Yoga, Meditation and Ayurveda. Together we strive to live mindfully in each moment as conscious co-creators to make the world a little lighter and brighter. Experience guided meditations, practice with mantras, mudras, sutras, and music. After the meditation we have a short chat, answering questions, sharing insights and we check in to see how everyone is doing. Some people like to share their "Aha" moments while others simply come to practice and leave at the end.No experience necessary | All are welcome | Free subscription Sign up for free by clicking the "Join" button. Times are listed in Pacific Time. Note the time converter above.
  • The Feast for the Soul is a 40-day worldwide spiritual practice immersion during which thousands of people of all ages, from a wide variety of spiritual and religious traditions, make a commitment to deepen their spiritual practice and expand their awareness. The Feast is observed each year on January 15th and concludes on February 23rd. It is now in its 17th year of helping people deepen their spiritual practice and create compassionate communities. The Feast is offered free of charge and is open to people everywhere. Frequently there will be a live guided meditation and conversation offered Typically, the session runs for 45-minute session: 10 minutes of teaching/introducing the meditation, 20 minutes of practice, and a wrap up with Q & A for 10 minutes. Check the calendar for the latest schedule of live events. Each session is recorded and uploaded to the Feast’s YouTube channel so if you miss the practice, you can watch it at your convenience. See the link above for access to our YouTube channel.
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  • Meditations based on Kabbalistic Teachings with Melinda Ribner
  • 2/4/2025-14:0
  • 2/4/2025-15:0
  • Virtual on Zoom - Click the Join Button to Sign Up
  • https://feastforthesoul.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/Melinda-Ribner.jpg
  • Experience a guided meditation with Melinda Ribner, utilizing the Jewish Kabbalistic framework and breathing techniques to help you access and experience your soul and creator. She offers two free meditations weekly. Tuesdays at 2 pm PT/5 pm EST & Sundays 10 am PT/1 pm EST/ 6 pm GMT. In just 30 minutes you will experience an energetic shift. At the very least, you will access greater calm within yourself, but it is likely that you will receive so much more. Meditations are tailored to the needs of participants in the context of accessing the unique spiritual opportunity of each Hebrew month as highlighted in my newest book Living in the Divine Flow. This month of Tevet offers us a unique opportunity for spiritual transformation to heal anger and jealousy, that are ways we block the Divine flow of blessing in our lives. There is a great light in Tevet available to us for the greatest light is hidden in challenge. www.Melindaribner.com.Meeting ID: 561 496 7950Passcode: 5LEJ2VFind out more about Melinda by clicking the "Faculty" button. Join for free by clicking the "Join" button. Times are listed in Pacific Time. Note the time converter above. Each session is recorded and uploaded to the Feast’s YouTube channel so if you miss the practice, you can watch it at your convenience. See the link above for access to our YouTube channel.
  • The Feast for the Soul is a 40-day worldwide spiritual practice immersion during which thousands of people of all ages, from a wide variety of spiritual and religious traditions, make a commitment to deepen their spiritual practice and expand their awareness. The Feast is observed each year on January 15th and concludes on February 23rd. It is now in its 18th year of helping people deepen their spiritual practice and create compassionate communities. The Feast is offered free of charge and is open to people everywhere. Typically, the session runs for 40-minute session: 10 minutes of teaching/introducing the meditation, 20 minutes of practice, and a wrap up with Q & A for 10 minutes. Each session is recorded and uploaded to the Feast’s YouTube channel so if you miss the practice, you can watch it at your convenience. See the link above for access to our YouTube channel.
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  • Awaken Wednesday with Sarah McLean
  • 2/5/2025-11:0
  • 2/5/2025-12:0
  • Virtual on Zoom - Click the Join Button to Attend
  • https://feastforthesoul.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/Sarah_McLean-5-scaled.jpg
  • Awaken Wednesday with Sarah McLean. Wednesdays at 11:00 am PT | 2:00 pm ET | 7:00 pm GMT Experience Peace and Connection. Be guided into a meditation for serenity and self-discovery with Sarah McLean, co-director of the Feast for the Soul. Pause, connect, and immerse yourself in a deeply relaxing, natural experience of restful awareness. Gain insights into a practice you can easily use on your own and no prior experience or effort is requiredWednesdays at 11:00 am PT | 2:00 pm ET | 7:00 pm GMTWhere: Zoom (click Join to access the session)Cost: Completely freeDiscover simple practices to rewire your brain for happiness and well-beingLearn the Five Essentials for meditation successConnect with a global community of like-hearted individualsEnjoy uplifting conversations and guidance from a renowned meditation teacherEach session is recorded and uploaded to the Feast’s YouTube channel so you can revisit or catch up anytime.(Times listed are in Pacific Time. Use the time converter above for your location.)
  • The Feast for the Soul is a 40-day worldwide spiritual practice immersion during which thousands of people of all ages, from a wide variety of spiritual and religious traditions, make a commitment to deepen their spiritual practice and expand their awareness. The Feast is observed each year on January 15th and concludes on February 23rd. It is now in its 18th year of helping people deepen their spiritual practice and create compassionate communities. The Feast is offered free of charge and is open to people everywhere. Live guided meditations and conversations are regularly scheduled. Typically, the session runs for 40-minute session: 10 minutes of teaching/introducing the meditation, 20 minutes of practice, and a wrap up with Q & A for 10 minutes. Each session is recorded and uploaded to the Feast’s YouTube channel so if you miss the practice, you can watch it at your convenience. See the link above for access to our YouTube channel.
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  • Thriving Thursday with Sue Cooper: Humaning Well Together
  • 2/6/2025-9:0
  • 2/6/2025-10:0
  • Virtual on Zoom - Click the Join Button to Attend
  • https://feastforthesoul.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/1-e1673659185905.png
  • Thriving Thursday conversations with Sue Cooper. Wednesdays at 11:00 am PT | 2:00 pm ET | 7:00 pm GMTClick the Join button to attend, free of charge to attend an inspiring talk with dynamic practitioners who are actively empowering mind, body, spiritual practices to enhance wellbeing, individually and in communities.
  • The Feast for the Soul is a 40-day worldwide spiritual practice immersion during which thousands of people of all ages, from a wide variety of spiritual and religious traditions, make a commitment to deepen their spiritual practice and expand their awareness. The Feast is observed each year on January 15th and concludes on February 23rd. It is now in its 18th year of helping people deepen their spiritual practice and create compassionate communities. The Feast is offered free of charge and is open to people everywhere.
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  • Friday Feast Friends
  • 2/7/2025-9:0
  • 2/7/2025-11:0
  • Virtual on Zoom - Click the Join Button to Register
  • https://feastforthesoul.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/2.jpg
  • Friday Feast Friends is an opportunity to meet fellow practitioners and to share your insights and experiences during the 40 Days of the Feast for the Soul. The purpose of this meeting is to create community and connections with our global online practitioners. We hope it will provide inspiration for you to maintain your commitment to your daily practice. You are invited to a Zoom meeting. 9 am PT/ 12 noon ET/ 5 pm GMTRegister in advance for this meeting:https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/TGwNTaQ8Rhy8Xi5WSZn5Qg
  • The Feast for the Soul is a 40-day worldwide spiritual practice immersion during which thousands of people of all ages, from a wide variety of spiritual and religious traditions, make a commitment to deepen their spiritual practice and expand their awareness. The Feast is observed each year on January 15th and concludes on February 23rd. It is now in its 18th year of helping people deepen their spiritual practice and create compassionate communities. The Feast is offered free of charge and is open to people everywhere.
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  • Sunday Mindful Meditation with Shey Khandro
  • 2/9/2025-9:0
  • 2/9/2025-10:0
  • Virtual on Zoom - Click the Join Button to Attend
  • https://feastforthesoul.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/Khandro_Headshot-2023.jpg
  • Embark on a transformative experience with Shey's guided meditation session. Enjoy a short teaching, a rejuvenating 20-minute guided meditation, and have your questions answered with an interactive Q&A. Cultivate resilience, connect with others, and embrace a more resilient you. Find out more about Shey in the Faculty Listing. Join for free by clicking the "Join" button. Times are listed in Pacific Time. Note the time converter above. Each session is recorded and uploaded to the Feast’s YouTube channel so if you miss the practice, you can watch it at your convenience. See the link above for access to our YouTube channel.
  • The Feast for the Soul is a 40-day worldwide spiritual practice immersion during which thousands of people of all ages, from a wide variety of spiritual and religious traditions, make a commitment to deepen their spiritual practice and expand their awareness. The Feast is observed each year on January 15th and concludes on February 23rd. It is now in its 18th year of helping people deepen their spiritual practice and create compassionate communities. The Feast is offered free of charge and is open to people everywhere. Typically, each session runs for 40-minute session: 10 minutes of teaching/introducing the meditation, 20 minutes of practice, and a wrap up with Q & A for 10 minutes. Each session is recorded and uploaded to the Feast’s YouTube channel so if you miss the practice, you can watch it at your convenience. Use the button above for access to the Feast's YouTube channel.
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  • Meditation and Dharma talk with Anam Thubten
  • 2/9/2025-10:0
  • 2/9/2025-12:0
  • Virtual on Zoom - Click the Join Button to Attend
  • https://feastforthesoul.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/Anam-Thubten-1.jpeg
  • Join today's Awareness meditation with Anam Thubten, Rinpoche. Practicing Awareness leads to equanimity in all situations. Read about him by clicking the "Faculty" button. Join for free by clicking the "Join" button. Times are listed in Pacific Time. Note the time converter above.
  • The Feast for the Soul is a 40-day worldwide spiritual practice immersion during which thousands of people of all ages, from a wide variety of spiritual and religious traditions, make a commitment to deepen their spiritual practice and expand their awareness. The Feast is observed each year on January 15th and concludes on February 23rd. It is now in its 18th year of helping people deepen their spiritual practice and create compassionate communities. The Feast is offered free of charge and is open to people everywhere. See the link above for access to our YouTube channel.
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  • Meditations based on Kabbalistic Teachings with Melinda Ribner
  • 2/9/2025-10:0
  • 2/9/2025-11:0
  • Virtual on Zoom - Click the Join Button to Sign Up
  • https://feastforthesoul.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/Melinda-Ribner.jpg
  • Experience a guided meditation with Melinda Ribner, utilizing the Jewish Kabbalistic framework and breathing techniques to help you access and experience your soul and creator. She offers two free meditations weekly. Tuesdays at 2 pm PT/5 pm EST & Sundays 10 am PT/1 pm EST/ 6 pm GMT. In just 30 minutes you will experience an energetic shift. At the very least, you will access greater calm within yourself, but it is likely that you will receive so much more. Meditations are tailored to the needs of participants in the context of accessing the unique spiritual opportunity of each Hebrew month as highlighted in my newest book Living in the Divine Flow. This month of Tevet offers us a unique opportunity for spiritual transformation to heal anger and jealousy, that are ways we block the Divine flow of blessing in our lives. There is a great light in Tevet available to us for the greatest light is hidden in challenge. www.Melindaribner.com.Meeting ID: 561 496 7950Passcode: 5LEJ2VFind out more about Melinda by clicking the "Faculty" button. Join for free by clicking the "Join" button. Times are listed in Pacific Time. Note the time converter above. Each session is recorded and uploaded to the Feast’s YouTube channel so if you miss the practice, you can watch it at your convenience. See the link above for access to our YouTube channel.
  • The Feast for the Soul is a 40-day worldwide spiritual practice immersion during which thousands of people of all ages, from a wide variety of spiritual and religious traditions, make a commitment to deepen their spiritual practice and expand their awareness. The Feast is observed each year on January 15th and concludes on February 23rd. It is now in its 18th year of helping people deepen their spiritual practice and create compassionate communities. The Feast is offered free of charge and is open to people everywhere. Typically, the session runs for 40-minute session: 10 minutes of teaching/introducing the meditation, 20 minutes of practice, and a wrap up with Q & A for 10 minutes. Each session is recorded and uploaded to the Feast’s YouTube channel so if you miss the practice, you can watch it at your convenience. See the link above for access to our YouTube channel.
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  • Mindful Mondays with Suzi von Mensenkampff
  • 2/10/2025-9:0
  • 2/10/2025-10:0
  • Click the Join Button to Register to Attend
  • https://feastforthesoul.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/suzi-e1646082377570.jpg
  • Join Suzi von for Mindful Mondays. Time: 5pm GMT | 9am PST | 12pm ESTEvery week friends from around the world who love to meditate meet up for a live practice session (20/30 mins.) This group are committed to expanding their awareness using the ancient wisdom tools of Yoga, Meditation and Ayurveda. Together we strive to live mindfully in each moment as conscious co-creators to make the world a little lighter and brighter. Experience guided meditations, practice with mantras, mudras, sutras, and music. After the meditation we have a short chat, answering questions, sharing insights and we check in to see how everyone is doing. Some people like to share their "Aha" moments while others simply come to practice and leave at the end.No experience necessary | All are welcome | Free subscription Sign up for free by clicking the "Join" button. Times are listed in Pacific Time. Note the time converter above.
  • The Feast for the Soul is a 40-day worldwide spiritual practice immersion during which thousands of people of all ages, from a wide variety of spiritual and religious traditions, make a commitment to deepen their spiritual practice and expand their awareness. The Feast is observed each year on January 15th and concludes on February 23rd. It is now in its 17th year of helping people deepen their spiritual practice and create compassionate communities. The Feast is offered free of charge and is open to people everywhere. Frequently there will be a live guided meditation and conversation offered Typically, the session runs for 45-minute session: 10 minutes of teaching/introducing the meditation, 20 minutes of practice, and a wrap up with Q & A for 10 minutes. Check the calendar for the latest schedule of live events. Each session is recorded and uploaded to the Feast’s YouTube channel so if you miss the practice, you can watch it at your convenience. See the link above for access to our YouTube channel.
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  • Swellheart Mondays with Lauri Kriva
  • 2/10/2025-9:0
  • 2/10/2025-10:0
  • Virtual on Zoom - Click the Join Button to Attend
  • https://feastforthesoul.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/lauri-kriva.jpg
  • Swellheart Mondays with Lauri Kriva Join Lauri for a weekly meditation and community via Zoom. Meditations typically feature a short introduction followed by a 20-25 minute guided or silent meditation and group reflection/conversation. All levels of experience are welcome! Lauri is a CTI life coach, a certified MMI instructor and a certified Dr. Sears health coach. She helps heart-centered people cultivate a life that reflects the truest expression of who they are. Lauri grew up playing school and office in her grandparents’ basement and hasn’t stopped learning (or organizing) since. Her experiences abroad, academic accomplishments and professional growth satisfied her love of learning for a time, but the deeper she delved into corporate life, the more she longed to explore new directions with her heart as her guide. Oh the places it led! Like coaching. And acting. And writing. And motherhood – the most beautiful of right turns that allowed her to rewrite aspects of her own childhood, heal, and befriend herself in the process. Lauri lives in Santa Barbara, California with her head in the clouds, her feet on the ground and her heart wide open. Most weekends she can be found on a golf course with her family or online at www.swellheart.com.Read more about Lauri by clicking the "Faculty" button. Join for free by clicking the "Join" button. Times are listed in Pacific Time. Note the time converter above.
  • The Feast for the Soul is a 40-day worldwide spiritual practice immersion during which thousands of people of all ages, from a wide variety of spiritual and religious traditions, make a commitment to deepen their spiritual practice and expand their awareness. The Feast is observed each year on January 15th and concludes on February 23rd. It is now in its 18th year of helping people deepen their spiritual practice and create compassionate communities. The Feast is offered free of charge and is open to people everywhere. Typically, the session runs for 40-minute session: 10 minutes of teaching/introducing the meditation, 20 minutes of practice, and a wrap up with Q & A for 10 minutes. Each session is recorded and uploaded to the Feast’s YouTube channel so if you miss the practice, you can watch it at your convenience. See the link above for access to our YouTube channel.
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  • Full Moon Meditation with Michael Lindfield of Meditation Mount
  • 2/11/2025-18:0
  • 2/11/2025-19:0
  • Virtual on Zoom - Click the Join Button to Register
  • https://feastforthesoul.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/michael-lindfield.jpg
  • The Full Moon Meditation February 11. The online space opens at 5:45 PM PST and the Meditation begins at 6:00 PM PST. We look forward to your presence and participation. Brought to you by Meditation Mount. Meditation Mount, founded in 1971, is a nonprofit Center of Planetary Service. All are welcome to enjoy this center. We are open by pre-registration only. Click here to register for a visitation or an event. Please support and sustain our center with a donation. Find out more about Michael by clicking the "Faculty" button. Join for free by clicking the "Join" button. Times are listed in Pacific Time. Note the time converter above. Each session is recorded and uploaded to the Feast’s YouTube channel so if you miss the practice, you can watch it at your convenience. See the link above for access to our YouTube channel.
  • The Feast for the Soul is a 40-day worldwide spiritual practice immersion during which thousands of people of all ages, from a wide variety of spiritual and religious traditions, make a commitment to deepen their spiritual practice and expand their awareness. The Feast is observed each year on January 15th and concludes on February 23rd. It is now in its 18th year of helping people deepen their spiritual practice and create compassionate communities. The Feast is offered free of charge and is open to people everywhere. Typically, the session runs for 40-minute session: 10 minutes of teaching/introducing the meditation, 20 minutes of practice, and a wrap up with Q & A for 10 minutes. Each session is recorded and uploaded to the Feast’s YouTube channel so if you miss the practice, you can watch it at your convenience. See the link above for access to our YouTube channel.
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  • Thriving Thursday with Sue Cooper: Humaning Well Together
  • 2/13/2025-9:0
  • 2/13/2025-10:0
  • Virtual on Zoom - Click the Join Button to Attend
  • https://feastforthesoul.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/1-e1673659185905.png
  • Thriving Thursday conversations with Sue Cooper. Click the Join button to attend, free of charge to attend an inspiring talk with dynamic practitioners who are actively empowering mind, body, spiritual practices to enhance wellbeing, individually and in communities.
  • The Feast for the Soul is a 40-day worldwide spiritual practice immersion during which thousands of people of all ages, from a wide variety of spiritual and religious traditions, make a commitment to deepen their spiritual practice and expand their awareness. The Feast is observed each year on January 15th and concludes on February 23rd. It is now in its 18th year of helping people deepen their spiritual practice and create compassionate communities. The Feast is offered free of charge and is open to people everywhere.
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  • Friday Feast Friends
  • 2/14/2025-9:0
  • 2/14/2025-11:0
  • Virtual on Zoom - Click the Join Button to Register
  • https://feastforthesoul.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/2.jpg
  • Friday Feast Friends is an opportunity to meet fellow practitioners and to share your insights and experiences during the 40 Days of the Feast for the Soul. The purpose of this meeting is to create community and connections with our global online practitioners. We hope it will provide inspiration for you to maintain your commitment to your daily practice. You are invited to a Zoom meeting. 9 am PT/ 12 noon ET/ 5 pm GMTRegister in advance for this meeting:https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/TGwNTaQ8Rhy8Xi5WSZn5Qg
  • The Feast for the Soul is a 40-day worldwide spiritual practice immersion during which thousands of people of all ages, from a wide variety of spiritual and religious traditions, make a commitment to deepen their spiritual practice and expand their awareness. The Feast is observed each year on January 15th and concludes on February 23rd. It is now in its 18th year of helping people deepen their spiritual practice and create compassionate communities. The Feast is offered free of charge and is open to people everywhere.
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  • Sanskrit Mantra Meditation with Rhys Cartright Jones, Esq.
  • 2/16/2025-17:0
  • 2/16/2025-18:0
  • Register to Attend - Click the Join Button
  • Join a serene and enriching meditation experience centered on the Sanskrit mantra "Ham Sah," meaning "I am That." This session begins with a brief introduction to the mantra's purpose: fostering a deep connection with the universe and the self. You'll be guided in preparing your space and setting a personal intention before diving into a 12-minute guided meditation. Using deep breaths and the rhythmic repetition of "Ham Sah," you'll cultivate focus, calmness, and inner stillness. After the meditation, we’ll open the floor for a 30-minute discussion, exploring parallels between meditation and psychedelic experiences as paths to altered consciousness. Share insights, discuss integration practices, and reflect on the transformative potential of mindfulness. Conclude your practice feeling grounded and inspired to continue your journey of self-awareness. All levels are welcome—no need for a “clear mind,” just an open heart.
  • Rhys B. Cartwright-Jones, Esq. is an attorney in Ohio and is also a meditation teacher certified by the McLean Meditation Institute.
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  • Sunday Mindful Meditation with Shey Khandro
  • 2/16/2025-9:0
  • 2/16/2025-10:0
  • Virtual on Zoom - Click the Join Button to Attend
  • https://feastforthesoul.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/Khandro_Headshot-2023.jpg
  • Embark on a transformative experience with Shey's guided meditation session. Enjoy a short teaching, a rejuvenating 20-minute guided meditation, and have your questions answered with an interactive Q&A. Cultivate resilience, connect with others, and embrace a more resilient you. Find out more about Shey in the Faculty Listing. Join for free by clicking the "Join" button. Times are listed in Pacific Time. Note the time converter above. Each session is recorded and uploaded to the Feast’s YouTube channel so if you miss the practice, you can watch it at your convenience. See the link above for access to our YouTube channel.
  • The Feast for the Soul is a 40-day worldwide spiritual practice immersion during which thousands of people of all ages, from a wide variety of spiritual and religious traditions, make a commitment to deepen their spiritual practice and expand their awareness. The Feast is observed each year on January 15th and concludes on February 23rd. It is now in its 18th year of helping people deepen their spiritual practice and create compassionate communities. The Feast is offered free of charge and is open to people everywhere. Typically, each session runs for 40-minute session: 10 minutes of teaching/introducing the meditation, 20 minutes of practice, and a wrap up with Q & A for 10 minutes. Each session is recorded and uploaded to the Feast’s YouTube channel so if you miss the practice, you can watch it at your convenience. Use the button above for access to the Feast's YouTube channel.
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  • Mindful Mondays with Suzi von Mensenkampff
  • 2/17/2025-9:0
  • 2/17/2025-10:0
  • Click the Join Button to Register to Attend
  • https://feastforthesoul.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/suzi-e1646082377570.jpg
  • Join Suzi von for Mindful Mondays. Time: 5pm GMT | 9am PST | 12pm ESTEvery week friends from around the world who love to meditate meet up for a live practice session (20/30 mins.) This group are committed to expanding their awareness using the ancient wisdom tools of Yoga, Meditation and Ayurveda. Together we strive to live mindfully in each moment as conscious co-creators to make the world a little lighter and brighter. Experience guided meditations, practice with mantras, mudras, sutras, and music. After the meditation we have a short chat, answering questions, sharing insights and we check in to see how everyone is doing. Some people like to share their "Aha" moments while others simply come to practice and leave at the end.No experience necessary | All are welcome | Free subscription Sign up for free by clicking the "Join" button. Times are listed in Pacific Time. Note the time converter above.
  • The Feast for the Soul is a 40-day worldwide spiritual practice immersion during which thousands of people of all ages, from a wide variety of spiritual and religious traditions, make a commitment to deepen their spiritual practice and expand their awareness. The Feast is observed each year on January 15th and concludes on February 23rd. It is now in its 17th year of helping people deepen their spiritual practice and create compassionate communities. The Feast is offered free of charge and is open to people everywhere. Frequently there will be a live guided meditation and conversation offered Typically, the session runs for 45-minute session: 10 minutes of teaching/introducing the meditation, 20 minutes of practice, and a wrap up with Q & A for 10 minutes. Check the calendar for the latest schedule of live events. Each session is recorded and uploaded to the Feast’s YouTube channel so if you miss the practice, you can watch it at your convenience. See the link above for access to our YouTube channel.
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  • Swellheart Mondays with Lauri Kriva
  • 2/17/2025-9:0
  • 2/17/2025-10:0
  • Virtual on Zoom - Click the Join Button to Attend
  • https://feastforthesoul.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/lauri-kriva.jpg
  • Swellheart Mondays with Lauri Kriva Join Lauri for a weekly meditation and community via Zoom. Meditations typically feature a short introduction followed by a 20-25 minute guided or silent meditation and group reflection/conversation. All levels of experience are welcome! Lauri is a CTI life coach, a certified MMI instructor and a certified Dr. Sears health coach. She helps heart-centered people cultivate a life that reflects the truest expression of who they are. Lauri grew up playing school and office in her grandparents’ basement and hasn’t stopped learning (or organizing) since. Her experiences abroad, academic accomplishments and professional growth satisfied her love of learning for a time, but the deeper she delved into corporate life, the more she longed to explore new directions with her heart as her guide. Oh the places it led! Like coaching. And acting. And writing. And motherhood – the most beautiful of right turns that allowed her to rewrite aspects of her own childhood, heal, and befriend herself in the process. Lauri lives in Santa Barbara, California with her head in the clouds, her feet on the ground and her heart wide open. Most weekends she can be found on a golf course with her family or online at www.swellheart.com.Read more about Lauri by clicking the "Faculty" button. Join for free by clicking the "Join" button. Times are listed in Pacific Time. Note the time converter above.
  • The Feast for the Soul is a 40-day worldwide spiritual practice immersion during which thousands of people of all ages, from a wide variety of spiritual and religious traditions, make a commitment to deepen their spiritual practice and expand their awareness. The Feast is observed each year on January 15th and concludes on February 23rd. It is now in its 18th year of helping people deepen their spiritual practice and create compassionate communities. The Feast is offered free of charge and is open to people everywhere. Typically, the session runs for 40-minute session: 10 minutes of teaching/introducing the meditation, 20 minutes of practice, and a wrap up with Q & A for 10 minutes. Each session is recorded and uploaded to the Feast’s YouTube channel so if you miss the practice, you can watch it at your convenience. See the link above for access to our YouTube channel.
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  • Meditation to Lighten Your Load with Marcy Westcott
  • 2/18/2025-9:0
  • 2/18/2025-10:0
  • Click the Join Button to Attend on Zoom
  • https://feastforthesoul.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/Marcy-scaled.jpg
  • Marcy will guide a healing meditation that will help you explore how we might navigate the stormy weather of emotions. When we are faced with crisis whether it's medical, financial, relationship, or spiritual in nature, we have the ability to turn to qualities such as acceptance, release, trust, and gratitude to embrace and help us weather the storm. Find out more about Marcy by clicking the Faculty button. Join for free by clicking the "Join" button. Times are listed in Pacific Time. Note the time converter above. Each session is recorded and uploaded to the Feast’s YouTube channel so if you miss the practice, you can watch it at your convenience. See the link above for access to our YouTube channel.
  • The Feast for the Soul is a 40-day worldwide spiritual practice immersion during which thousands of people of all ages, from a wide variety of spiritual and religious traditions, make a commitment to deepen their spiritual practice and expand their awareness. The Feast is observed each year on January 15th and concludes on February 23rd. It is now in its 18th year of helping people deepen their spiritual practice and create compassionate communities. The Feast is offered free of charge and is open to people everywhere. Typically, the session runs for 40-minute session: 10 minutes of teaching/introducing the meditation, 20 minutes of practice, and a wrap up with Q & A for 10 minutes. Each session is recorded and uploaded to the Feast’s YouTube channel so if you miss the practice, you can watch it at your convenience. See the link above for access to our YouTube channel.
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  • Awaken Wednesday with Shey Khandro
  • 2/19/2025-11:0
  • 2/19/2025-12:0
  • Virtual on Zoom - Click the Join Button to Attend
  • https://feastforthesoul.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/Khandro_Headshot-2023.jpg
  • Awaken Wednesday with guest teacher, Shey Khandro. Experience Peace & Connection. Be guided into a meditation for serenity and self-discovery with Shey, faculty member for the Feast for the Soul. Pause, connect, and immerse yourself in a deeply relaxing, natural experience of restful awareness. Gain insights into a practice you can easily use on your own and no prior experience or effort is requiredWednesdays at 11:00 am PT | 2:00 pm ET | 7:00 pm GMTWhere: Zoom (click Join to access the session)Cost: Completely freeDiscover simple practices to rewire your brain for happiness and well-beingLearn the Five Essentials for meditation successConnect with a global community of like-hearted individualsEnjoy uplifting conversations and guidance from a renowned meditation teacherEach session is recorded and uploaded to the Feast’s YouTube channel so you can revisit or catch up anytime.(Times listed are in Pacific Time. Use the time converter above for your location.)
  • The Feast for the Soul is a 40-day worldwide spiritual practice immersion during which thousands of people of all ages, from a wide variety of spiritual and religious traditions, make a commitment to deepen their spiritual practice and expand their awareness. The Feast is observed each year on January 15th and concludes on February 23rd. It is now in its 18th year of helping people deepen their spiritual practice and create compassionate communities. The Feast is offered free of charge and is open to people everywhere. Live guided meditations and conversations are regularly scheduled. Typically, the session runs for 40-minute session: 10 minutes of teaching/introducing the meditation, 20 minutes of practice, and a wrap up with Q & A for 10 minutes. Each session is recorded and uploaded to the Feast’s YouTube channel so if you miss the practice, you can watch it at your convenience. See the link above for access to our YouTube channel.
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  • Soul-Guided Journaling with Laurel Geise
  • 2/19/2025-12:30
  • 2/19/2025-13:30
  • Virtual on Zoom - Click the Join Button to Attend
  • https://feastforthesoul.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/Laurel-Geise-e1673658606384.jpg
  • Laurel Geise guides you into a Soul-Guided Journaling process so you can experience more peace, grace and ease in your daily living. Soul-Guided Journaling is a simple and sacred spiritual practice divinely architected to support your conscious connection with your soul, enhancing your natural ability to receive daily soul guidance to expand your awareness. As a seeker, the direct revelation of your soul's guidance moves you gently from struggle and strife, to a life experienced with grace and ease.As a mystic, consciously choosing to build your connection to your soul is a gift beyond measure.Bring a journal and a pen... and find a quiet place so you can fully immerse yourself in experiencing a relaxing meditation, followed by a Soul-Guided Journaling Experience.Find out more about Laurel by clicking the "Faculty" button. Soul-Guided Journaling is a simple and sacred spiritual practice divinely architected to support your conscious connection with your soul, enhancing your natural ability to receive daily soul guidance to expand your awareness.As a seeker, the direct revelation of your soul's guidance moves you gently from struggle and strife, to a life experienced with grace and ease.As a mystic, consciously choosing to build your connection to your soul is a gift beyond measure.Bring a journal and a pen... and find a quiet place so you can fully immerse yourself in experiencing a relaxing meditation, followed by a Soul-Guided Journaling Experience.Join for free by clicking the "Join" button. Times are listed in Pacific Time. Note the time converter above. Each session is recorded and uploaded to the Feast’s YouTube channel so if you miss the practice, you can watch it at your convenience. See the link above for access to our YouTube channel.
  • The Feast for the Soul is a 40-day worldwide spiritual practice immersion during which thousands of people of all ages, from a wide variety of spiritual and religious traditions, make a commitment to deepen their spiritual practice and expand their awareness. The Feast is observed each year on January 15th and concludes on February 23rd. It is now in its 18th year of helping people deepen their spiritual practice and create compassionate communities. The Feast is offered free of charge and is open to people everywhere.
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  • Friday Feast Friends
  • 2/21/2025-9:0
  • 2/21/2025-11:0
  • Virtual on Zoom - Click the Join Button to Register
  • https://feastforthesoul.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/2.jpg
  • Friday Feast Friends is an opportunity to meet fellow practitioners and to share your insights and experiences during the 40 Days of the Feast for the Soul. The purpose of this meeting is to create community and connections with our global online practitioners. We hope it will provide inspiration for you to maintain your commitment to your daily practice. You are invited to a Zoom meeting. 9 am PT/ 12 noon ET/ 5 pm GMTRegister in advance for this meeting:https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/TGwNTaQ8Rhy8Xi5WSZn5Qg
  • The Feast for the Soul is a 40-day worldwide spiritual practice immersion during which thousands of people of all ages, from a wide variety of spiritual and religious traditions, make a commitment to deepen their spiritual practice and expand their awareness. The Feast is observed each year on January 15th and concludes on February 23rd. It is now in its 18th year of helping people deepen their spiritual practice and create compassionate communities. The Feast is offered free of charge and is open to people everywhere.
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  • Saturday Open Awareness Meditation with Sarah McLean
  • 2/22/2025-11:0
  • 2/22/2025-12:0
  • Virtual on Zoom - Click the Join Button to Attend
  • https://feastforthesoul.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/Sarah_McLean-5-scaled.jpg
  • Come and meditate with Hay House author, Sarah McLean. Experience Peace and Connection. Be guided into a meditation for serenity and self-discovery with Pause, connect, and immerse yourself in a deeply relaxing, natural experience of restful awareness. Gain insights into a practice you can easily use on your own and no prior experience or effort is requiredWednesdays at 11:00 am PT | 2:00 pm ET | 7:00 pm GMTWhere: Zoom (click Join to access the session)Cost: Completely freeDiscover simple practices to rewire your brain for happiness and well-beingLearn the Five Essentials for meditation successConnect with a global community of like-hearted individualsEnjoy uplifting conversations and guidance from a renowned meditation teacherEach session is recorded and uploaded to the Feast’s YouTube channel so you can revisit or catch up anytime.(Times listed are in Pacific Time. Use the time converter above for your location.)
  • The Feast for the Soul is a 40-day worldwide spiritual practice immersion during which thousands of people of all ages, from a wide variety of spiritual and religious traditions, make a commitment to deepen their spiritual practice and expand their awareness. The Feast is observed each year on January 15th and concludes on February 23rd. It is now in its 18th year of helping people deepen their spiritual practice and create compassionate communities. The Feast is offered free of charge and is open to people everywhere. Live guided meditations and conversations are regularly scheduled. Typically, the session runs for 40-minute session: 10 minutes of teaching/introducing the meditation, 20 minutes of practice, and a wrap up with Q & A for 10 minutes. Each session is recorded and uploaded to the Feast’s YouTube channel so if you miss the practice, you can watch it at your convenience. See the link above for access to our YouTube channel.
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  • Closing Ceremony for the Feast
  • 2/23/2025-9:0
  • 2/23/2025-10:0
  • Virtual on Zoom - Click the Join Button to Attend Free!
  • https://feastforthesoul.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/FFS-poster-Feast-observed-here-scaled.jpg
  • Join the closing ceremony with Suzi von, Shey Khandro, Sarah McLean & the Feast Faculty for the 40th day of the Feast. Enjoy a short teaching, a rejuvenating 20-minute guided meditation led by Shey, and have your questions answered with an interactive Q&A. Cultivate resilience, connect with others, and embrace a more resilient you. Find out more about the faculty in the Faculty Listing. Join for free by clicking the "Join" button. Times are listed in Pacific Time. Note the time converter above. Each session is recorded and uploaded to the Feast’s YouTube channel so if you miss the practice, you can watch it at your convenience. See the link above for access to our YouTube channel.
  • The Feast for the Soul is a 40-day worldwide spiritual practice immersion during which thousands of people of all ages, from a wide variety of spiritual and religious traditions, make a commitment to deepen their spiritual practice and expand their awareness. The Feast is observed each year on January 15th and concludes on February 23rd. It is now in its 18th year of helping people deepen their spiritual practice and create compassionate communities. The Feast is offered free of charge and is open to people everywhere. Typically, each session runs for 40-minute session: 10 minutes of teaching/introducing the meditation, 20 minutes of practice, and a wrap up with Q & A for 10 minutes. Each session is recorded and uploaded to the Feast’s YouTube channel so if you miss the practice, you can watch it at your convenience. Use the button above for access to the Feast's YouTube channel.
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  • First Sunday Meditation with Sarah McLean
  • 3/2/2025-9:0
  • 3/2/2025-10:0
  • Virtual on Zoom - Click the Join Button to Register
  • https://feastforthesoul.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/Sarah-McLean_Photo_Credit_Suzette-Hibble-scaled.jpg
  • Time: 5pm GMT | 9am PST | 12pm EST Join co-director of the Feast, Sarah McLean, for today's meditation practice. Find out more mantras and how they offer the opportunity for transcendence. Be guided into a silent mantra practice to dive into the field of love. This is a natural form of mantra meditation. No skill, experience, effort, or control is required. In fact, they're counter-productive. Immediate benefits include deep relaxation, mental clarity, and inner peace. Importantly, they will leave knowing how to use the practice on their own. Find out more about Sarah by clicking the "Faculty" button. Join for free by clicking the "Join" button. Times are listed in Pacific Time. Note the time converter above. Each session is recorded and uploaded to the Feast’s YouTube channel so if you miss the practice, you can watch it at your convenience. See the link above for access to our YouTube channel. Register for event with the Book Now link!
  • The Feast for the Soul is a 40-day worldwide spiritual practice immersion during which thousands of people of all ages, from a wide variety of spiritual and religious traditions, make a commitment to deepen their spiritual practice and expand their awareness. The Feast is observed each year on January 15th and concludes on February 23rd. It is now in its 18th year of helping people deepen their spiritual practice and create compassionate communities. The Feast is offered free of charge and is open to people everywhere. Typically, the session runs for 40-minute session: 10 minutes of teaching/introducing the meditation, 20 minutes of practice, and a wrap up with Q & A for 10 minutes. Each session is recorded and uploaded to the Feast’s YouTube channel so if you miss the practice, you can watch it at your convenience. See the link above for access to our YouTube channel.
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  • Mindful Mondays with Suzi von Mensenkampff
  • 3/3/2025-9:0
  • 3/3/2025-10:0
  • Click the Join Button to Register to Attend
  • https://feastforthesoul.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/suzi-e1646082377570.jpg
  • Join Suzi von for Mindful Mondays. Time: 5pm GMT | 9am PST | 12pm ESTEvery week friends from around the world who love to meditate meet up for a live practice session (20/30 mins.) This group are committed to expanding their awareness using the ancient wisdom tools of Yoga, Meditation and Ayurveda. Together we strive to live mindfully in each moment as conscious co-creators to make the world a little lighter and brighter. Experience guided meditations, practice with mantras, mudras, sutras, and music. After the meditation we have a short chat, answering questions, sharing insights and we check in to see how everyone is doing. Some people like to share their "Aha" moments while others simply come to practice and leave at the end.No experience necessary | All are welcome | Free subscription Sign up for free by clicking the "Join" button. Times are listed in Pacific Time. Note the time converter above.
  • The Feast for the Soul is a 40-day worldwide spiritual practice immersion during which thousands of people of all ages, from a wide variety of spiritual and religious traditions, make a commitment to deepen their spiritual practice and expand their awareness. The Feast is observed each year on January 15th and concludes on February 23rd. It is now in its 18th year of helping people deepen their spiritual practice and create compassionate communities. The Feast is offered free of charge and is open to people everywhere. Frequently there will be a live guided meditation and conversation offered Typically, the session runs for 45-minute session: 10 minutes of teaching/introducing the meditation, 20 minutes of practice, and a wrap up with Q & A for 10 minutes. Check the calendar for the latest schedule of live events. Each session is recorded and uploaded to the Feast’s YouTube channel so if you miss the practice, you can watch it at your convenience. See the link above for access to our YouTube channel.
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  • Swellheart Mondays with Lauri Kriva
  • 3/3/2025-9:0
  • 3/3/2025-10:0
  • Virtual on Zoom - Click the Join Button to Attend
  • https://feastforthesoul.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/lauri-kriva.jpg
  • Swellheart Mondays with Lauri Kriva Join Lauri for a weekly meditation and community via Zoom. Meditations typically feature a short introduction followed by a 20-25 minute guided or silent meditation and group reflection/conversation. All levels of experience are welcome! Lauri is a CTI life coach, a certified MMI instructor and a certified Dr. Sears health coach. She helps heart-centered people cultivate a life that reflects the truest expression of who they are. Lauri grew up playing school and office in her grandparents’ basement and hasn’t stopped learning (or organizing) since. Her experiences abroad, academic accomplishments and professional growth satisfied her love of learning for a time, but the deeper she delved into corporate life, the more she longed to explore new directions with her heart as her guide. Oh the places it led! Like coaching. And acting. And writing. And motherhood – the most beautiful of right turns that allowed her to rewrite aspects of her own childhood, heal, and befriend herself in the process. Lauri lives in Santa Barbara, California with her head in the clouds, her feet on the ground and her heart wide open. Most weekends she can be found on a golf course with her family or online at www.swellheart.com.Read more about Lauri by clicking the "Faculty" button. Join for free by clicking the "Join" button. Times are listed in Pacific Time. Note the time converter above.
  • The Feast for the Soul is a 40-day worldwide spiritual practice immersion during which thousands of people of all ages, from a wide variety of spiritual and religious traditions, make a commitment to deepen their spiritual practice and expand their awareness. The Feast is observed each year on January 15th and concludes on February 23rd. It is now in its 18th year of helping people deepen their spiritual practice and create compassionate communities. The Feast is offered free of charge and is open to people everywhere. Typically, the session runs for 40-minute session: 10 minutes of teaching/introducing the meditation, 20 minutes of practice, and a wrap up with Q & A for 10 minutes. Each session is recorded and uploaded to the Feast’s YouTube channel so if you miss the practice, you can watch it at your convenience. See the link above for access to our YouTube channel.
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  • Meditations based on Kabbalistic Teachings with Melinda Ribner
  • 3/4/2025-14:0
  • 3/4/2025-15:0
  • Virtual on Zoom - Click the Join Button to Sign Up
  • https://feastforthesoul.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/Melinda-Ribner.jpg
  • Experience a guided meditation with Melinda Ribner, utilizing the Jewish Kabbalistic framework and breathing techniques to help you access and experience your soul and creator. She offers two free meditations weekly. Tuesdays at 2 pm PT/5 pm EST & Sundays 10 am PT/1 pm EST/ 6 pm GMT. In just 30 minutes you will experience an energetic shift. At the very least, you will access greater calm within yourself, but it is likely that you will receive so much more. Meditations are tailored to the needs of participants in the context of accessing the unique spiritual opportunity of each Hebrew month as highlighted in her newest book Living in the Divine Flow. Contact her at Beitmiriam@msn.com to be receive her newsletter at www.Melindaribner.com www.Melindaribner.com.Meeting ID: 561 496 7950Passcode: 5LEJ2VFind out more about Melinda by clicking the "Faculty" button. Join for free by clicking the "Join" button. Times are listed in Pacific Time. Note the time converter above. Each session is recorded and uploaded to the Feast’s YouTube channel so if you miss the practice, you can watch it at your convenience. See the link above for access to our YouTube channel.
  • The Feast for the Soul is a 40-day worldwide spiritual practice immersion during which thousands of people of all ages, from a wide variety of spiritual and religious traditions, make a commitment to deepen their spiritual practice and expand their awareness. The Feast is observed each year on January 15th and concludes on February 23rd. It is now in its 18th year of helping people deepen their spiritual practice and create compassionate communities. The Feast is offered free of charge and is open to people everywhere. Typically, the session runs for 40-minute session: 10 minutes of teaching/introducing the meditation, 20 minutes of practice, and a wrap up with Q & A for 10 minutes. Each session is recorded and uploaded to the Feast’s YouTube channel so if you miss the practice, you can watch it at your convenience. See the link above for access to our YouTube channel.
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  • Thriving Thursday with Sue Cooper: Humaning Well Together
  • 3/6/2025-9:0
  • 3/6/2025-10:0
  • Virtual on Zoom - Click the Join Button to Attend
  • https://feastforthesoul.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/1-e1673659185905.png
  • Thriving Thursday conversations with Sue Cooper. Click the Join button to attend, PASSCODE: caring. Offered free of charge attend an inspiring talk with dynamic practitioners who are actively empowering mind, body, spiritual practices to enhance wellbeing, individually and in communities.
  • The Feast for the Soul is a 40-day worldwide spiritual practice immersion during which thousands of people of all ages, from a wide variety of spiritual and religious traditions, make a commitment to deepen their spiritual practice and expand their awareness. The Feast is observed each year on January 15th and concludes on February 23rd. It is now in its 18th year of helping people deepen their spiritual practice and create compassionate communities. The Feast is offered free of charge and is open to people everywhere.
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  • Sunday Mindful Meditation with Shey Khandro
  • 3/9/2025-9:0
  • 3/9/2025-10:0
  • Virtual on Zoom - Click the Join Button to Attend
  • https://feastforthesoul.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/Khandro_Headshot-2023.jpg
  • Embark on a transformative experience with Shey's guided meditation session. Enjoy a short teaching, a rejuvenating 20-minute guided meditation, and have your questions answered with an interactive Q&A. Cultivate resilience, connect with others, and embrace a more resilient you. Keep your momentum going with 2nd Sunday Mindful Meditation Gatherings with Shey Khandro, offered free each month as a space to reconnect, reflect, and renew.Join Us on the 2nd Sunday of Every Month 9 AM PT | 12 PM EST | 5 PM GMTThese gatherings are designed to nurture your practice, whether you’re deepening your journey or simply seeking a moment of stillness in a supportive community. Each session includes:Thoughtful Reflection – Insights and inspiration to support your pathGuided Meditation – A calming practice to center and restoreCommunity Sharing – An opportunity to connect and learn togetherLet’s Stay Connected! Beyond the Sunday gatherings, Shey offers ongoing inspiration, teachings, and opportunities to support your spiritual journey. Explore her newsletter, register for upcoming sessions, and discover ways to stay engaged.Find out more about Shey in the Faculty Listing. Register by clicking the "Join" button. Times are listed in Pacific Time. Note the time converter above. Each session is recorded and uploaded to the Feast’s YouTube channel so if you miss the practice, you can watch it at your convenience. See the link above for access to our YouTube channel.
  • The Feast for the Soul is a 40-day worldwide spiritual practice immersion during which thousands of people of all ages, from a wide variety of spiritual and religious traditions, make a commitment to deepen their spiritual practice and expand their awareness. The Feast is observed each year on January 15th and concludes on February 23rd. It is now in its 18th year of helping people deepen their spiritual practice and create compassionate communities. The Feast is offered free of charge and is open to people everywhere. Typically, each session runs for 40-minute session: 10 minutes of teaching/introducing the meditation, 20 minutes of practice, and a wrap up with Q & A for 10 minutes. Each session is recorded and uploaded to the Feast’s YouTube channel so if you miss the practice, you can watch it at your convenience. Use the button above for access to the Feast's YouTube channel.
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  • Mindful Mondays with Suzi von Mensenkampff
  • 3/10/2025-9:0
  • 3/10/2025-10:0
  • Click the Join Button to Register to Attend
  • https://feastforthesoul.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/suzi-e1646082377570.jpg
  • Join Suzi von for Mindful Mondays. Time: 5pm GMT | 9am PST | 12pm ESTEvery week friends from around the world who love to meditate meet up for a live practice session (20/30 mins.) This group are committed to expanding their awareness using the ancient wisdom tools of Yoga, Meditation and Ayurveda. Together we strive to live mindfully in each moment as conscious co-creators to make the world a little lighter and brighter. Experience guided meditations, practice with mantras, mudras, sutras, and music. After the meditation we have a short chat, answering questions, sharing insights and we check in to see how everyone is doing. Some people like to share their "Aha" moments while others simply come to practice and leave at the end.No experience necessary | All are welcome | Free subscription Sign up for free by clicking the "Join" button. Times are listed in Pacific Time. Note the time converter above.
  • The Feast for the Soul is a 40-day worldwide spiritual practice immersion during which thousands of people of all ages, from a wide variety of spiritual and religious traditions, make a commitment to deepen their spiritual practice and expand their awareness. The Feast is observed each year on January 15th and concludes on February 23rd. It is now in its 18th year of helping people deepen their spiritual practice and create compassionate communities. The Feast is offered free of charge and is open to people everywhere. Frequently there will be a live guided meditation and conversation offered Typically, the session runs for 45-minute session: 10 minutes of teaching/introducing the meditation, 20 minutes of practice, and a wrap up with Q & A for 10 minutes. Check the calendar for the latest schedule of live events. Each session is recorded and uploaded to the Feast’s YouTube channel so if you miss the practice, you can watch it at your convenience. See the link above for access to our YouTube channel.
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  • Swellheart Mondays with Lauri Kriva
  • 3/10/2025-9:0
  • 3/10/2025-10:0
  • Virtual on Zoom - Click the Join Button to Attend
  • https://feastforthesoul.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/lauri-kriva.jpg
  • Swellheart Mondays with Lauri Kriva Join Lauri for a weekly meditation and community via Zoom. Meditations typically feature a short introduction followed by a 20-25 minute guided or silent meditation and group reflection/conversation. All levels of experience are welcome! Lauri is a CTI life coach, a certified MMI instructor and a certified Dr. Sears health coach. She helps heart-centered people cultivate a life that reflects the truest expression of who they are. Lauri grew up playing school and office in her grandparents’ basement and hasn’t stopped learning (or organizing) since. Her experiences abroad, academic accomplishments and professional growth satisfied her love of learning for a time, but the deeper she delved into corporate life, the more she longed to explore new directions with her heart as her guide. Oh the places it led! Like coaching. And acting. And writing. And motherhood – the most beautiful of right turns that allowed her to rewrite aspects of her own childhood, heal, and befriend herself in the process. Lauri lives in Santa Barbara, California with her head in the clouds, her feet on the ground and her heart wide open. Most weekends she can be found on a golf course with her family or online at www.swellheart.com.Read more about Lauri by clicking the "Faculty" button. Join for free by clicking the "Join" button. Times are listed in Pacific Time. Note the time converter above.
  • The Feast for the Soul is a 40-day worldwide spiritual practice immersion during which thousands of people of all ages, from a wide variety of spiritual and religious traditions, make a commitment to deepen their spiritual practice and expand their awareness. The Feast is observed each year on January 15th and concludes on February 23rd. It is now in its 18th year of helping people deepen their spiritual practice and create compassionate communities. The Feast is offered free of charge and is open to people everywhere. Typically, the session runs for 40-minute session: 10 minutes of teaching/introducing the meditation, 20 minutes of practice, and a wrap up with Q & A for 10 minutes. Each session is recorded and uploaded to the Feast’s YouTube channel so if you miss the practice, you can watch it at your convenience. See the link above for access to our YouTube channel.
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  • Meditations based on Kabbalistic Teachings with Melinda Ribner
  • 3/11/2025-14:0
  • 3/11/2025-15:0
  • Virtual on Zoom - Click the Join Button to Sign Up
  • https://feastforthesoul.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/Melinda-Ribner.jpg
  • Experience a guided meditation with Melinda Ribner, utilizing the Jewish Kabbalistic framework and breathing techniques to help you access and experience your soul and creator. She offers two free meditations weekly. Tuesdays at 2 pm PT/5 pm EST & Sundays 10 am PT/1 pm EST/ 6 pm GMT. In just 30 minutes you will experience an energetic shift. At the very least, you will access greater calm within yourself, but it is likely that you will receive so much more. Meditations are tailored to the needs of participants in the context of accessing the unique spiritual opportunity of each Hebrew month as highlighted in her newest book Living in the Divine Flow. Contact her at Beitmiriam@msn.com to be receive her newsletter at www.Melindaribner.com www.Melindaribner.com.Meeting ID: 561 496 7950Passcode: 5LEJ2VFind out more about Melinda by clicking the "Faculty" button. Join for free by clicking the "Join" button. Times are listed in Pacific Time. Note the time converter above. Each session is recorded and uploaded to the Feast’s YouTube channel so if you miss the practice, you can watch it at your convenience. See the link above for access to our YouTube channel.
  • The Feast for the Soul is a 40-day worldwide spiritual practice immersion during which thousands of people of all ages, from a wide variety of spiritual and religious traditions, make a commitment to deepen their spiritual practice and expand their awareness. The Feast is observed each year on January 15th and concludes on February 23rd. It is now in its 18th year of helping people deepen their spiritual practice and create compassionate communities. The Feast is offered free of charge and is open to people everywhere. Typically, the session runs for 40-minute session: 10 minutes of teaching/introducing the meditation, 20 minutes of practice, and a wrap up with Q & A for 10 minutes. Each session is recorded and uploaded to the Feast’s YouTube channel so if you miss the practice, you can watch it at your convenience. See the link above for access to our YouTube channel.
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  • Full Moon Meditation with Michael Lindfield of Meditation Mount
  • 3/13/2025-18:0
  • 3/13/2025-19:0
  • Virtual on Zoom - Click the Join Button to Register
  • https://feastforthesoul.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/michael-lindfield.jpg
  • The Full Moon Meditation. The online space opens at 5:45 PM PST and the Meditation begins at 6:00 PM PST. We look forward to your presence and participation. Brought to you by Meditation Mount. Meditation Mount, founded in 1971, is a nonprofit Center of Planetary Service. All are welcome to enjoy this center. We are open by pre-registration only. Click here to register for a visitation or an event. Please support and sustain our center with a donation. Find out more about Michael by clicking the "Faculty" button. Join for free by clicking the "Join" button. Times are listed in Pacific Time. Note the time converter above. Each session is recorded and uploaded to the Feast’s YouTube channel so if you miss the practice, you can watch it at your convenience. See the link above for access to our YouTube channel.
  • The Feast for the Soul is a 40-day worldwide spiritual practice immersion during which thousands of people of all ages, from a wide variety of spiritual and religious traditions, make a commitment to deepen their spiritual practice and expand their awareness. The Feast is observed each year on January 15th and concludes on February 23rd. It is now in its 18th year of helping people deepen their spiritual practice and create compassionate communities. The Feast is offered free of charge and is open to people everywhere. Typically, the session runs for 40-minute session: 10 minutes of teaching/introducing the meditation, 20 minutes of practice, and a wrap up with Q & A for 10 minutes. Each session is recorded and uploaded to the Feast’s YouTube channel so if you miss the practice, you can watch it at your convenience. See the link above for access to our YouTube channel.
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  • Thriving Thursday with Sue Cooper: Humaning Well Together
  • 3/13/2025-9:0
  • 3/13/2025-10:0
  • Virtual on Zoom - Click the Join Button to Attend
  • https://feastforthesoul.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/1-e1673659185905.png
  • Thriving Thursday conversations with Sue Cooper. Click the Join button to attend, PASSCODE: caring. Offered free of charge attend an inspiring talk with dynamic practitioners who are actively empowering mind, body, spiritual practices to enhance wellbeing, individually and in communities.
  • The Feast for the Soul is a 40-day worldwide spiritual practice immersion during which thousands of people of all ages, from a wide variety of spiritual and religious traditions, make a commitment to deepen their spiritual practice and expand their awareness. The Feast is observed each year on January 15th and concludes on February 23rd. It is now in its 18th year of helping people deepen their spiritual practice and create compassionate communities. The Feast is offered free of charge and is open to people everywhere.
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  • Mindful Mondays with Suzi von Mensenkampff
  • 3/17/2025-9:0
  • 3/17/2025-10:0
  • Click the Join Button to Register to Attend
  • https://feastforthesoul.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/suzi-e1646082377570.jpg
  • Join Suzi von for Mindful Mondays. Time: 5pm GMT | 9am PST | 12pm ESTEvery week friends from around the world who love to meditate meet up for a live practice session (20/30 mins.) This group are committed to expanding their awareness using the ancient wisdom tools of Yoga, Meditation and Ayurveda. Together we strive to live mindfully in each moment as conscious co-creators to make the world a little lighter and brighter. Experience guided meditations, practice with mantras, mudras, sutras, and music. After the meditation we have a short chat, answering questions, sharing insights and we check in to see how everyone is doing. Some people like to share their "Aha" moments while others simply come to practice and leave at the end.No experience necessary | All are welcome | Free subscription Sign up for free by clicking the "Join" button. Times are listed in Pacific Time. Note the time converter above.
  • The Feast for the Soul is a 40-day worldwide spiritual practice immersion during which thousands of people of all ages, from a wide variety of spiritual and religious traditions, make a commitment to deepen their spiritual practice and expand their awareness. The Feast is observed each year on January 15th and concludes on February 23rd. It is now in its 18th year of helping people deepen their spiritual practice and create compassionate communities. The Feast is offered free of charge and is open to people everywhere. Frequently there will be a live guided meditation and conversation offered Typically, the session runs for 45-minute session: 10 minutes of teaching/introducing the meditation, 20 minutes of practice, and a wrap up with Q & A for 10 minutes. Check the calendar for the latest schedule of live events. Each session is recorded and uploaded to the Feast’s YouTube channel so if you miss the practice, you can watch it at your convenience. See the link above for access to our YouTube channel.
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  • Swellheart Mondays with Lauri Kriva
  • 3/17/2025-9:0
  • 3/17/2025-10:0
  • Virtual on Zoom - Click the Join Button to Attend
  • https://feastforthesoul.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/lauri-kriva.jpg
  • Swellheart Mondays with Lauri Kriva Join Lauri for a weekly meditation and community via Zoom. Meditations typically feature a short introduction followed by a 20-25 minute guided or silent meditation and group reflection/conversation. All levels of experience are welcome! Lauri is a CTI life coach, a certified MMI instructor and a certified Dr. Sears health coach. She helps heart-centered people cultivate a life that reflects the truest expression of who they are. Lauri grew up playing school and office in her grandparents’ basement and hasn’t stopped learning (or organizing) since. Her experiences abroad, academic accomplishments and professional growth satisfied her love of learning for a time, but the deeper she delved into corporate life, the more she longed to explore new directions with her heart as her guide. Oh the places it led! Like coaching. And acting. And writing. And motherhood – the most beautiful of right turns that allowed her to rewrite aspects of her own childhood, heal, and befriend herself in the process. Lauri lives in Santa Barbara, California with her head in the clouds, her feet on the ground and her heart wide open. Most weekends she can be found on a golf course with her family or online at www.swellheart.com.Read more about Lauri by clicking the "Faculty" button. Join for free by clicking the "Join" button. Times are listed in Pacific Time. Note the time converter above.
  • The Feast for the Soul is a 40-day worldwide spiritual practice immersion during which thousands of people of all ages, from a wide variety of spiritual and religious traditions, make a commitment to deepen their spiritual practice and expand their awareness. The Feast is observed each year on January 15th and concludes on February 23rd. It is now in its 18th year of helping people deepen their spiritual practice and create compassionate communities. The Feast is offered free of charge and is open to people everywhere. Typically, the session runs for 40-minute session: 10 minutes of teaching/introducing the meditation, 20 minutes of practice, and a wrap up with Q & A for 10 minutes. Each session is recorded and uploaded to the Feast’s YouTube channel so if you miss the practice, you can watch it at your convenience. See the link above for access to our YouTube channel.
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  • Meditations based on Kabbalistic Teachings with Melinda Ribner
  • 3/18/2025-14:0
  • 3/18/2025-15:0
  • Virtual on Zoom - Click the Join Button to Sign Up
  • https://feastforthesoul.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/Melinda-Ribner.jpg
  • Experience a guided meditation with Melinda Ribner, utilizing the Jewish Kabbalistic framework and breathing techniques to help you access and experience your soul and creator. She offers two free meditations weekly. Tuesdays at 2 pm PT/5 pm EST & Sundays 10 am PT/1 pm EST/ 6 pm GMT. In just 30 minutes you will experience an energetic shift. At the very least, you will access greater calm within yourself, but it is likely that you will receive so much more. Meditations are tailored to the needs of participants in the context of accessing the unique spiritual opportunity of each Hebrew month as highlighted in her newest book Living in the Divine Flow. Contact her at Beitmiriam@msn.com to be receive her newsletter at www.Melindaribner.com www.Melindaribner.com.Meeting ID: 561 496 7950Passcode: 5LEJ2VFind out more about Melinda by clicking the "Faculty" button. Join for free by clicking the "Join" button. Times are listed in Pacific Time. Note the time converter above. Each session is recorded and uploaded to the Feast’s YouTube channel so if you miss the practice, you can watch it at your convenience. See the link above for access to our YouTube channel.
  • The Feast for the Soul is a 40-day worldwide spiritual practice immersion during which thousands of people of all ages, from a wide variety of spiritual and religious traditions, make a commitment to deepen their spiritual practice and expand their awareness. The Feast is observed each year on January 15th and concludes on February 23rd. It is now in its 18th year of helping people deepen their spiritual practice and create compassionate communities. The Feast is offered free of charge and is open to people everywhere. Typically, the session runs for 40-minute session: 10 minutes of teaching/introducing the meditation, 20 minutes of practice, and a wrap up with Q & A for 10 minutes. Each session is recorded and uploaded to the Feast’s YouTube channel so if you miss the practice, you can watch it at your convenience. See the link above for access to our YouTube channel.
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  • Thriving Thursday with Sue Cooper: Humaning Well Together
  • 3/20/2025-9:0
  • 3/20/2025-10:0
  • Virtual on Zoom - Click the Join Button to Attend
  • https://feastforthesoul.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/1-e1673659185905.png
  • Thriving Thursday conversations with Sue Cooper. Click the Join button to attend, PASSCODE: caring. Offered free of charge attend an inspiring talk with dynamic practitioners who are actively empowering mind, body, spiritual practices to enhance wellbeing, individually and in communities.
  • The Feast for the Soul is a 40-day worldwide spiritual practice immersion during which thousands of people of all ages, from a wide variety of spiritual and religious traditions, make a commitment to deepen their spiritual practice and expand their awareness. The Feast is observed each year on January 15th and concludes on February 23rd. It is now in its 18th year of helping people deepen their spiritual practice and create compassionate communities. The Feast is offered free of charge and is open to people everywhere.
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  • Meditation for the Equinox with Sarah McLean
  • 3/20/2025-11:0
  • 3/20/2025-12:0
  • Virtual on Zoom - Click the Join Button to Register
  • Thursday, March 20, 11 am PT, 2 pm ET, and 7 pm GMT Equinox Meditation Gathering with Sarah McLean – Virtual & Free Discover greater peace and happiness, a calmer mind, more vitality, and a new normal with meditation and mindfulness. Join Sarah McLean on Zoom for a meditation conversation and guided meditation experience. Celebrate balance and renewal with a Spring Equinox Meditation on March 20. Align with nature’s rhythm as you welcome the light, set new intentions, and embrace fresh beginnings with a guided meditation for inner harmony and growth. Register free.
  • Sarah McLean is a self-described American Transcendentalist who has always been fascinated by the subtle and powerful force at the source of all that is–and she’s made it her mission to know more. That’s why she’s dedicated her life to exploring meditation, a practice that allows anyone to have the direct experience of this force field that underlies all of creation. Sarah has over 30 years of deep, personal meditation practice, and in-depth work experience in the field of personal transformation. She was a resident in a Zen Buddhist monastery, lived and worked in a Transcendental Meditation center, and was a resident in a traditional ashram in India. She also headed up the education programs at Deepak Chopra’s center in California as well as at Byron Katie’s School for the Work. She now lives in Santa Barbara, California where she runs her company, the McLean Meditation Institute, which focuses on training people all over the world to be the very best meditation and mindfulness teachers they can be. Sarah is also the best-selling Hay House author of Soul-Centered: Transform Your Life in 8 Weeks with Meditation, and The Power of Attention: Awaken to Love and its Unlimited Potential with Meditation, and is a sought-after inspirational speaker who is determined to create more peace on this planet through the practices of meditation. Find out more, visit www.McLeanMeditation.com
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  • Swellheart Mondays with Lauri Kriva
  • 3/24/2025-9:0
  • 3/24/2025-10:0
  • Virtual on Zoom - Click the Join Button to Attend
  • https://feastforthesoul.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/lauri-kriva.jpg
  • Swellheart Mondays with Lauri Kriva Join Lauri for a weekly meditation and community via Zoom. Meditations typically feature a short introduction followed by a 20-25 minute guided or silent meditation and group reflection/conversation. All levels of experience are welcome! Lauri is a CTI life coach, a certified MMI instructor and a certified Dr. Sears health coach. She helps heart-centered people cultivate a life that reflects the truest expression of who they are. Lauri grew up playing school and office in her grandparents’ basement and hasn’t stopped learning (or organizing) since. Her experiences abroad, academic accomplishments and professional growth satisfied her love of learning for a time, but the deeper she delved into corporate life, the more she longed to explore new directions with her heart as her guide. Oh the places it led! Like coaching. And acting. And writing. And motherhood – the most beautiful of right turns that allowed her to rewrite aspects of her own childhood, heal, and befriend herself in the process. Lauri lives in Santa Barbara, California with her head in the clouds, her feet on the ground and her heart wide open. Most weekends she can be found on a golf course with her family or online at www.swellheart.com.Read more about Lauri by clicking the "Faculty" button. Join for free by clicking the "Join" button. Times are listed in Pacific Time. Note the time converter above.
  • The Feast for the Soul is a 40-day worldwide spiritual practice immersion during which thousands of people of all ages, from a wide variety of spiritual and religious traditions, make a commitment to deepen their spiritual practice and expand their awareness. The Feast is observed each year on January 15th and concludes on February 23rd. It is now in its 18th year of helping people deepen their spiritual practice and create compassionate communities. The Feast is offered free of charge and is open to people everywhere. Typically, the session runs for 40-minute session: 10 minutes of teaching/introducing the meditation, 20 minutes of practice, and a wrap up with Q & A for 10 minutes. Each session is recorded and uploaded to the Feast’s YouTube channel so if you miss the practice, you can watch it at your convenience. See the link above for access to our YouTube channel.
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  • Mindful Mondays with Suzi von Mensenkampff
  • 3/24/2025-9:0
  • 3/24/2025-10:0
  • Click the Join Button to Register to Attend
  • https://feastforthesoul.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/suzi-e1646082377570.jpg
  • Join Suzi von for Mindful Mondays. Time: 5pm GMT | 9am PST | 12pm ESTEvery week friends from around the world who love to meditate meet up for a live practice session (20/30 mins.) This group are committed to expanding their awareness using the ancient wisdom tools of Yoga, Meditation and Ayurveda. Together we strive to live mindfully in each moment as conscious co-creators to make the world a little lighter and brighter. Experience guided meditations, practice with mantras, mudras, sutras, and music. After the meditation we have a short chat, answering questions, sharing insights and we check in to see how everyone is doing. Some people like to share their "Aha" moments while others simply come to practice and leave at the end.No experience necessary | All are welcome | Free subscription Sign up for free by clicking the "Join" button. Times are listed in Pacific Time. Note the time converter above.
  • The Feast for the Soul is a 40-day worldwide spiritual practice immersion during which thousands of people of all ages, from a wide variety of spiritual and religious traditions, make a commitment to deepen their spiritual practice and expand their awareness. The Feast is observed each year on January 15th and concludes on February 23rd. It is now in its 18th year of helping people deepen their spiritual practice and create compassionate communities. The Feast is offered free of charge and is open to people everywhere. Frequently there will be a live guided meditation and conversation offered Typically, the session runs for 45-minute session: 10 minutes of teaching/introducing the meditation, 20 minutes of practice, and a wrap up with Q & A for 10 minutes. Check the calendar for the latest schedule of live events. Each session is recorded and uploaded to the Feast’s YouTube channel so if you miss the practice, you can watch it at your convenience. See the link above for access to our YouTube channel.
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  • Meditations based on Kabbalistic Teachings with Melinda Ribner
  • 3/25/2025-14:0
  • 3/25/2025-15:0
  • Virtual on Zoom - Click the Join Button to Sign Up
  • https://feastforthesoul.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/Melinda-Ribner.jpg
  • Experience a guided meditation with Melinda Ribner, utilizing the Jewish Kabbalistic framework and breathing techniques to help you access and experience your soul and creator. She offers two free meditations weekly. Tuesdays at 2 pm PT/5 pm EST & Sundays 10 am PT/1 pm EST/ 6 pm GMT. In just 30 minutes you will experience an energetic shift. At the very least, you will access greater calm within yourself, but it is likely that you will receive so much more. Meditations are tailored to the needs of participants in the context of accessing the unique spiritual opportunity of each Hebrew month as highlighted in her newest book Living in the Divine Flow. Contact her at Beitmiriam@msn.com to be receive her newsletter at www.Melindaribner.com www.Melindaribner.com.Meeting ID: 561 496 7950Passcode: 5LEJ2VFind out more about Melinda by clicking the "Faculty" button. Join for free by clicking the "Join" button. Times are listed in Pacific Time. Note the time converter above. Each session is recorded and uploaded to the Feast’s YouTube channel so if you miss the practice, you can watch it at your convenience. See the link above for access to our YouTube channel.
  • The Feast for the Soul is a 40-day worldwide spiritual practice immersion during which thousands of people of all ages, from a wide variety of spiritual and religious traditions, make a commitment to deepen their spiritual practice and expand their awareness. The Feast is observed each year on January 15th and concludes on February 23rd. It is now in its 18th year of helping people deepen their spiritual practice and create compassionate communities. The Feast is offered free of charge and is open to people everywhere. Typically, the session runs for 40-minute session: 10 minutes of teaching/introducing the meditation, 20 minutes of practice, and a wrap up with Q & A for 10 minutes. Each session is recorded and uploaded to the Feast’s YouTube channel so if you miss the practice, you can watch it at your convenience. See the link above for access to our YouTube channel.
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  • Thriving Thursday with Sue Cooper: Humaning Well Together
  • 3/27/2025-9:0
  • 3/27/2025-10:0
  • Virtual on Zoom - Click the Join Button to Attend
  • https://feastforthesoul.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/1-e1673659185905.png
  • Thriving Thursday conversations with Sue Cooper. Click the Join button to attend, PASSCODE: caring. Offered free of charge attend an inspiring talk with dynamic practitioners who are actively empowering mind, body, spiritual practices to enhance wellbeing, individually and in communities.
  • The Feast for the Soul is a 40-day worldwide spiritual practice immersion during which thousands of people of all ages, from a wide variety of spiritual and religious traditions, make a commitment to deepen their spiritual practice and expand their awareness. The Feast is observed each year on January 15th and concludes on February 23rd. It is now in its 18th year of helping people deepen their spiritual practice and create compassionate communities. The Feast is offered free of charge and is open to people everywhere.
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  • Mindful Mondays with Suzi von Mensenkampff
  • 3/31/2025-9:0
  • 3/31/2025-10:0
  • Click the Join Button to Register to Attend
  • https://feastforthesoul.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/suzi-e1646082377570.jpg
  • Join Suzi von for Mindful Mondays. Time: 5pm GMT | 9am PST | 12pm ESTEvery week friends from around the world who love to meditate meet up for a live practice session (20/30 mins.) This group are committed to expanding their awareness using the ancient wisdom tools of Yoga, Meditation and Ayurveda. Together we strive to live mindfully in each moment as conscious co-creators to make the world a little lighter and brighter. Experience guided meditations, practice with mantras, mudras, sutras, and music. After the meditation we have a short chat, answering questions, sharing insights and we check in to see how everyone is doing. Some people like to share their "Aha" moments while others simply come to practice and leave at the end.No experience necessary | All are welcome | Free subscription Sign up for free by clicking the "Join" button. Times are listed in Pacific Time. Note the time converter above.
  • The Feast for the Soul is a 40-day worldwide spiritual practice immersion during which thousands of people of all ages, from a wide variety of spiritual and religious traditions, make a commitment to deepen their spiritual practice and expand their awareness. The Feast is observed each year on January 15th and concludes on February 23rd. It is now in its 18th year of helping people deepen their spiritual practice and create compassionate communities. The Feast is offered free of charge and is open to people everywhere. Frequently there will be a live guided meditation and conversation offered Typically, the session runs for 45-minute session: 10 minutes of teaching/introducing the meditation, 20 minutes of practice, and a wrap up with Q & A for 10 minutes. Check the calendar for the latest schedule of live events. Each session is recorded and uploaded to the Feast’s YouTube channel so if you miss the practice, you can watch it at your convenience. See the link above for access to our YouTube channel.
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  • Second Sunday Mindful Meditation with Shey Khandro
  • 4/13/2025-9:0
  • 4/13/2025-10:0
  • Virtual on Zoom - Click the Join Button to Attend
  • https://feastforthesoul.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/Khandro_Headshot-2023.jpg
  • Embark on a transformative experience with Shey's guided meditation session. Enjoy a short teaching, a rejuvenating 20-minute guided meditation, and have your questions answered with an interactive Q&A. Cultivate resilience, connect with others, and embrace a more resilient you. Keep your momentum going with 2nd Sunday Mindful Meditation Gatherings with Shey Khandro, offered free each month as a space to reconnect, reflect, and renew.Join Us on the 2nd Sunday of Every Month 9 AM PT | 12 PM EST | 5 PM GMTThese gatherings are designed to nurture your practice, whether you’re deepening your journey or simply seeking a moment of stillness in a supportive community. Each session includes:Thoughtful Reflection – Insights and inspiration to support your pathGuided Meditation – A calming practice to center and restoreCommunity Sharing – An opportunity to connect and learn togetherLet’s Stay Connected! Beyond the Sunday gatherings, Shey offers ongoing inspiration, teachings, and opportunities to support your spiritual journey. Explore her newsletter, register for upcoming sessions, and discover ways to stay engaged.Find out more about Shey in the Faculty Listing. Register by clicking the "Join" button. Times are listed in Pacific Time. Note the time converter above. Each session is recorded and uploaded to the Feast’s YouTube channel so if you miss the practice, you can watch it at your convenience. See the link above for access to our YouTube channel.
  • The Feast for the Soul is a 40-day worldwide spiritual practice immersion during which thousands of people of all ages, from a wide variety of spiritual and religious traditions, make a commitment to deepen their spiritual practice and expand their awareness. The Feast is observed each year on January 15th and concludes on February 23rd. It is now in its 18th year of helping people deepen their spiritual practice and create compassionate communities. The Feast is offered free of charge and is open to people everywhere. Typically, each session runs for 40-minute session: 10 minutes of teaching/introducing the meditation, 20 minutes of practice, and a wrap up with Q & A for 10 minutes. Each session is recorded and uploaded to the Feast’s YouTube channel so if you miss the practice, you can watch it at your convenience. Use the button above for access to the Feast's YouTube channel.
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