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Closing Ceremony Readings

By June 4, 2023 No Comments

The Song of Archangel Uriel

My Wings of Peace awakened to Creations first light.

Borne on whispers of Gods own out-breath I am opened,

cell by cell to receive the Divine Light of Being.

Light touches Light and I am melted into Oneness with the All.


I hold my Peace within my stillness, and offer that you join me in this silent embrace.

Within this silence, there is all you need to know.


The Soul may be immersed in Truth, washed over in Baptism of Light; and anchored in Bliss.

Beloved; I sing a sweet song, but each note carries a deeper purpose to serve Mankind .


My Peace has seen the raw and bloody battlefield.


My stillness has walked amongst the angry hearts that would flail and lash.

My Light has brushed soft upon the cheeks aflame with hatred and fear, softening and

cooling the fire within; transforming tears of rage to those of gratitude.

My silence has stilled the rattle of weaponry that man has turned upon man.

And within this maelstrom wrought of this fear and anger by mans own hand upon Himself,

brother upon brother, there is indeed a Peace which cannot be denied.

That Peace resides within each and every Heart,

a bright flickering Light of hope which transcends everything.

My song carries the taper which re-ignites that tiny flame; a re-minder that Peace is your

Divine birthright and the state the soul has longed for throughout Eternity.

Embrace your Peace Beloved, and sing it back to me,

that we may touch those Hearts in Unity.

Originally channeled my Alison Knox of EVeRYDaY ANGelS ™