Sarah McLean is a popular contemporary meditation and mindfulness teacher who has been inspiring people to fall in love with meditation since the early 90s. She’s spent most of her life exploring the secrets to creating a successful meditation practice and teaching people how to meditate with confidence.

Sarah knows that when people learn how to meditate – and practice every day –  their lives can transform. She’s written a best selling book about it: Soul-Centered, Transform Your Life with Meditation (published by Hay House)

With a daily practice of meditation, you’ll learn to be kinder to yourself, feel more tuned in to your inner world, and connected to your purpose, so you become more committed to leading a life that you love. You make creating peace and being kind your top  priorities. Sarah believes that when each one of us is peaceful, we can co-create a more peaceful planet for everyone.

Sarah first learned about meditation while in the U.S. Army serving as a Behavioral Specialist learning to help soldiers address post-traumatic stress disorder.  After the Army she graduated from the University of Massachusetts and embarked on a nine-month mountain bike journey from Europe to Asia to uncover the secrets to inner peace and fulfillment.

Though her journey was fascinating, it was only after she returned that she found the secret was not outside of herself. That’s when she began her daily meditation practice. She soon went on to study mind/body health with Dr. Deepak Chopra in Lancaster, Massachusetts and became a resident at the Ayurveda Health Center, a Transcendental Meditation community. Once Deepak moved his practice to California, Sarah became the Program Director for the Chopra Center for Wellbeing. Then in 1993, Sarah began teaching meditation, and worked with Deepak for eight years.

She then took a sabbatical, living in a traditional ashram in South India for six months and was a two-year resident at a remote Zen Buddhist monastery for two years.

Sarah is not only the co-director of the Feast for the Soul, she is a popular retreat facilitator and keynote speaker at retreats for the Chopra Center, Esalen Institute, The Art of Living Retreat Center, and many world-class retreat destinations and conferences such as the Hay House I Can Do It event. She has been interviewed on national television, a celebrated guest on podcasts, and featured in a variety of award-winning movies. Her work has been touted in the media including the New York TimesChicago TribuneWashington Post, and Los Angeles Times.

She founded the McLean Meditation Institute in 2006, and soon began to offer the 300-hour teacher training certification at the Meditation Teacher Academy®, a post-secondary educational institution that trains meditation and mindfulness teachers worldwide.

Sarah’s retreats are a wonderful way to experience the deepening of your practice, and she invites Feast for the Soul participants to join her. Find out more about her events, here. She lives  in Santa Barbara, California with her husband, her hives of bees, and her sweet animal companions. Contact her at

Feast for the Soul 2021

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