Vedic Counseling Program Director, Brent BecVar, M.S. has practiced astrology and counseling over the past 40 years, and has studied with respected teachers in this country and in India. He has worked directly with Dr. Deepak Chopra and the Chopra Center for Well Being as an administrator, meditation teacher and therapist for over 30 years. He is trained as a psychotherapist, certified yoga/ meditation instructor, Ayurvedic educator and a longstanding member of the American Council of Vedic Astrologers.

Jyotish, in Sanskrit translated as “Science of Light,” is a profound and mathematically sophisticated form of astrology that originated in the ancient Vedic tradition of India. It describes how planetary patterns at the time of our birth give valuable clues in helping us understand our life’s journey. Through careful analysis of these cosmic influences, Jyotish Astrology can help us realistically evaluate our strengths and weaknesses in order to optimize our full potential.

By forecasting the changing trends and periods of our lives, Jyotish Astrology can enable us to make more evolutionary choices. It can help provide participants with valuable information in all areas of their lives and can offer practical remedial measures to help alleviate areas of difficulty, giving the confidence to manifest our true destiny and create success, happiness,and harmony on all levels.

If you would like to have a Jyotish reading with Brent, visit his website. Jyotish consultations last one hour and may be conducted in person but are typically given over Zoom. All sessions are recorded for participants and remain completely confidential.