Héctor Bolaños es Director de Aprende Mindfulness y maestro certificado de mindfulness. Con más 25 años de experiencia, Héctor es reconocido como uno de los mejores maestros de México.  Héctor está certificado como maestro de mindfulness por la Universidad de California Los Angeles (UCLA) y ha entrenado a miles de personas en mindfulness.

Como parte de su formación, Héctor practicó intensivamente durante dos años y medio en un monasterio Zen alcanzando el grado de estudiante Zen senior. Ha estudiado directamente con varios de los mejores maestros de mindfulness en el mundo, en Estados Unidos, Canadá, Francia, Inglaterra y Australia.

En Inglés: Hector is the Director of Aprende Mindfulness and a certified mindfulness teacher. With over 25 years of experience, Hector is recognized as one of the leading mindfulness teachers in Mexico. Héctor is the creator of Más Presente, the most comprehensive online mindfulness platform in Spanish.

Héctor is a certified mindfulness teacher by the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) and has trained thousands of people in mindfulness and meditation. As part of his training, Héctor practiced intensively for two and a half years in a Zen monastery, where he became senior Zen student. He studied directly with several of the best mindfulness teachers in the world, in the United States, Canada, France, England, and Australia.

Héctor offers this series of guided mindfulness meditations in Spanish to help cultivate a deep sense of presence, inner freedom, joy, and equanimity. The meditations cover a range of aspects, from finding a deep sense of calm to letting go of resentment and realizing the abundance in your life. They will help you to feel at ease, discover greater joy and enjoy the present moment.

You can find information about Hector’s workshops, online courses, videos, etc. at https://aprendemindfulness.org

To take a 10-day free trial of Más Presente, visit https://maspresente.org

Listen to Guided Meditation